Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Development of Resources and Technologies for Enhancing Rigor, Reproducibility, and Translatability of Animal Models in Biomedical Research (R01)
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:
September 21, 2022
Estimated Publication Date of Funding Opportunity Announcement:
November 04, 2022
First Estimated Application Due Date:
January 06, 2023
Earliest Estimated Award Date:
July 05, 2023
Earliest Estimated Start Date:
July 07, 2023
Related Announcements


Issued by

Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)


The Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) encourages grant applications aimed at developing and implementing broadly applicable technologies, tools, and resources for validating animal models and enhancing rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research. Proposed studies, models, resources, or technologies under this FOA must either address research interests of multiple NIH ICs, explore multiple body or organ systems, or be applicable to diseases and processes that impact multiple body or organ systems in order to align with ORIP’s NIH-wide mission and programs. Applications should aim to enhance the rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research through the development and implementation of technologies, tools, and resources that have significant impact across a broad range of research areas using animal models. Applications must demonstrate how the proposed resources and technologies impact rigor and reproducibility of animal studies. Applications for developing a limited number of resources are not suitable for this funding opportunity announcement (FOA).

Research Initiative Details

ORIP intends to support research-related resource projects aimed at developing broadly applicable technologies, tools, and resources for validating animal models and enhancing rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research. This initiative will seek projects that address key animal resource- and technology-related gaps identified in the Validation of Animal Models and Tools for Biomedical Research workshop organized by ORIP and its Institute and Center (IC) Partners.

ORIP advances the NIH mission by supporting research infrastructure and research-related resource programs, including animal models and facilities for research relevant to human health and diseases (for more details see ORIP Strategic Plan for 2021-2025). Proposed studies, models, resources, or technologies under this initiative must either address research interests of multiple NIH ICs, explore multiple organ systems, or be applicable to diseases and processes that impact multiple organ systems. Applications are not acceptable and will be withdrawn if they only address a specific disease or area of research, are relevant to the mission and programs of a single IC or are related predominantly to the interest of one IC and only peripherally to the interests of other ICs.

Examples of projects suitable for this initiative include but are not limited to:

  • Generation of a large quantity of animal models by using high-efficiency gene editing technologies, including gene mutation and tagging.
  • Nanobodies for identification or detection of a large quantity of proteins expressed in model organisms involved in multiple body systems or disease processes, such as metabolism, cell signaling, and immune responses, especially protein targets that are conserved across species.
  • Antibodies that can modulate the function of endogenous proteins for animal research relevant to multiple areas of human health and disease.
  • Biosensors for genotypic, phenotypic, physiological, or metabolomic monitoring in animal models.
  • Animal models or resources that facilitate detecting and understanding protein-protein interactions in cells and organelles at large scale.
  • High-throughput, high-efficiency, and high-resolution imaging technologies, analytic tools, or atlases for visualization and integrative analysis of cells and cellular networks across animal species, especially tools that can be broadly and easily utilized by the research community.
  • High-throughput technologies, including informatic, genetic, and biochemical technologies, to facilitate systematic animal model phenotyping at multiple scales (single-cell, tissue, organ, whole organism) or for integrating different types of related data (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, morphology, behavior).
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) tools to integrate collection of multi-omics, biochemical, physiological, morphological, and behavioral data from animal models, or AI or ML strategies that allow user-friendly informatic searches and integrative mining of bioinformatic and phenomic data for comparative human-animal biology.
  • Technologies to improve the efficiency, reliability, and accuracy of developing animal models by means of xenotransplantation of human cells or by engineering the models to express human gene products.

Examples of projects that will NOT be supported under this initiative include but are not limited to those that:

  • Focus on genomic sequencing of model organisms.
  • Primarily focus on creating, expanding, or maintaining genomic or other types of databases.
  • Create or maintain individual model organism databases.
  • Develop or distribute wild-type animals and related biospecimens treated with diet, drug(s), toxin(s), infectious agent(s), or other environmental factors.
  • Develop or distribute wild-type animals and related biospecimens subjected to physical or surgical manipulations.
  • Involve threatened or endangered species.
  • Develop, expand, or maintain repositories of specific tissues and related biospecimens (e.g., RNA extracts, processed tissues) from research organisms.

Applications submitted under this initiative should aim to enhance the rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research through the development of resources and technologies that have significant impact across a broad range of research areas using animal models. Applications must demonstrate how the proposed resources and technologies impact rigor and reproducibility of animal studies. Demonstration of the impact of the proposed project on translatability is not required but is a strength. Applications for developing a limited quantity of resources are not suitable for this FOA but may be appropriate for the Notice(s) related to R21 funding opportunity announcements supported by ORIP.

Investigators interested in submitting applications are strongly encouraged to contact ORIP program staff before submission to discuss whether their research plans are appropriate for and responsive to this initiative. Applications with projects outside the areas of interest of this initiative will be considered nonresponsive and will be administratively withdrawn.

Funding Information
Estimated Total Funding
Expected Number of Awards
Estimated Award Ceiling
Primary Assistance Listing Number(s)


Anticipated Eligible Organizations

Applications are not being solicited at this time.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Sige Zou, PhD
Office of Research Infrastructure Program (ORIP)
Telephone: 301-435-0749
Email: [email protected]