Notice of Change to RFA-OD-22-004, Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) for Research Relevant to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:

March 16, 2022

Related Announcements

RFA-OD-22-004, Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) for Research Relevant to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)

RFA-OD-22-003, Center for Coordination of Analysis, Science, Enhancement, and Logistics (CASEL) in Tobacco Regulatory Science (U54 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

RFA-OD-22-002, Center for Rapid Surveillance of Tobacco (CRST) to Assess Changes in Use Behaviors, Product Marketing, and the Marketplace (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Issued by

Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Office of Disease Prevention (ODP)


The purpose of this notice is to inform applicants of a change to Section III. Eligibility Information, 3. Additional Information on Eligibility in RFA-OD-22-004, "Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) for Research Relevant to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)". Changes to the RFA are shown below.

Currently Reads:

Number of Applications

Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.

The NIH will not accept duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time per Submission of Resubmission Application." This means that the NIH will not accept:

    • A new (A0) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of an overlapping new (A0) or resubmission (A1) application.
    • A resubmission (A1) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of the previous new (A0) application.
    • An application that has substantial overlap with another application pending appeal of initial peer review (see Similar, Essentially Identical, or Identical Applications).

Note: Applicant institutions may submit multiple applications in response to this FOA, RFA-OD-22-004 (TCORS) and RFA-OD-22-002 (CRST). Key personnel of TCORS, however, cannot include key personnel from the research team of a CASEL nor CRST awardee.

Modified to Read (changes shown in bold italics) :

Number of Applications

Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.

The NIH will not accept duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time per Submission of Resubmission Application.". This means that the NIH will not accept:

    • A new (A0) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of an overlapping new (A0) or resubmission (A1) application.
    • A resubmission (A1) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of the previous new (A0) application.
    • An application that has substantial overlap with another application pending appeal of initial peer review (see Similar, Essentially Identical, or Identical Applications).

Note: Applicant institutions may submit multiple applications in response to this FOA, RFA-OD-22-004 (TCORS), RFA-OD-22-003 (CASEL), and RFA-OD-22-002 (CRST) RFAs. The TCORS PD/PI awardee, however, cannot serve as PD/PI of a CRST awardee nor as key personnel of a CASEL awardee. Key personnel of a TCORS awardee cannot include key personnel from the research team of a CASEL awardee.

All other aspects of this RFA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Mary Garcia-Cazarin, PhD
Office of Disease Prevention (ODP)
Telephone: 301-451-2937
Email: [email protected]