July 8, 2021
Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS)
The Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) seek input on current and future needs and utilization of cloud computing for biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social science as well as any challenges or strategies to adopt cloud computing broadly among universities and colleges within the IDeA-eligible states, institutions with Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMIs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
In contrast to traditional, locally provisioned, “on-premises” computing, cloud computing provides access to on-demand, scalable computing and storage resources with a variety of payment models, most of which scale with usage. Most cloud service providers also offer software services such as database management systems and/or machine learning toolboxes, etc. Cloud platforms also provide an opportunity to collocate data and computing resources in the same cloud for high speed connection between the data and the computers.
NIH-supported researchers can access cloud computing platforms through the NIH Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (STRIDES) Initiative or through other cloud services contracts negotiated by their institutions.
This Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit public input on the needs, barriers, applications of and strategy to adopt cloud computing for biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social science research in universities and colleges within the IDeA-eligible states, institutions with RCMIs and MSIs.
Information Requested
ODSS, NIGMS and NIMHD seek input from all extramural stakeholders (e.g., bioinformaticians, computational biologists, data scientists and other informatics researchers, management professionals in academia and industry, scientific societies and advocacy organizations, and interested members of the public) to understand the current challenges and opportunities to using cloud computing at universities and colleges within the IDeA-eligible states, institutions with RCMIs and MSIs for biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social science research. The NIH seeks comments on any or all of the following topics:
Response to this RFI is voluntary.
How to Submit a Response
Responses to this RFI will be accepted through Sep. 30, 2021. All comments will be anonymous and must be submitted via a web form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NIHCloudComputingRFI.
The Government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information provided and respondents will not receive individualized feedback. This RFI is for planning purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or as an obligation on the part of the United States Government.ODSS, NIMHD and NIGMS will use the information submitted in response to this RFI at its discretion. ODSS, NIMHD, and NIGMS do not intend to make any type of award based on responses to this RFI or to pay for either the preparation of information submitted or the United States Government's use of such information.
The information submitted will be analyzed and may be shared internally, appear in reports or be reflected in future solicitations, as appropriate and at the Government's discretion. Proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should not be included in your response. The Government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s) or other activities. No basis for claims against the U.S. Government shall arise as a result of a response to this request for information or from the Government's use of such information.
Fenglou Mao, Ph.D.
Office of Data Science Strategy
Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives
Office of the Director
Telephone: (301) 451-9389
Email: fenglou.mao@nih.gov
Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli, Ph.D.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Telephone: (301) 827-2921
Email: lakshmi.matukumalli@nih.gov
Patrick H. Brown, Ph.D.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Telephone: (301) 594-2861
Email: patrick.brown@nih.gov
Deborah Guadalupe Duran, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor-Data Science, Analytics and Systems
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Telephone: (301) 594-9809
Email: durande@mail.nih.gov