July 8, 2021
NOT-OD-21-102 - Reminders of NIH Policies Related to Closeout
This notice updates guidance issued in NOT-OD-21-102 and provides the process for requesting payments from the HHS Payment Management System (PMS) after the 120-day liquidation period.
A recipient may request payments from PMS up to 120 days past the period of performance end date of the PMS subaccount (e.g. award document number in Section I of the Notice of Award). Per the NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS), a term and condition of every NIH award, recipients must submit timely, accurate grant expenditure reports, and reconcile cash transaction reports submitted to the PMS with expenditure reports submitted to NIH.
Recipients are expected to request payments within the 120-day liquidation period. However, there may be circumstances where recipients are unable to complete drawdowns in a timely manner. In such cases, the recipient must follow the process below:
Requests will be reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis. Recipients remain responsible for ensuring that information submitted to NIH in Federal Financial Reports (FFR) is accurate, complete, and consistent with the recipient's accounting system (see NIHGPS Section When submitting the FFR through PMS, the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) or the individual designated to submit this report on behalf of their institution, certifies that the information in the FFR is correct and complete and that all outlays and obligations are for the purposes set forth in grant documents, and represents a claim to the Federal government.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Division of Grants Policy
Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)
Office of Extramural Research
Telephone: 301-435-0949