Notice of Correction to NOT-OD-21-071 “Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focuses on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19”
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:

March 30, 2021

Related Announcements

NOT-OD-21-071 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focuses on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19

Issued by

Office of The Director, National Institutes of Health (OD)


This notice corrects NOT-OD-21-071 “Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focuses on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19” in the the “Key Dates” section and “Application and Submission Information” section. The "Key Dates" correction pertains to the expiration date of the NOSI and should be modified to April 15. The "Application and Submission Information" correction pertains to the language describing the project budgets and should indicate that applicants requesting greater than $250,000 in direct costs are strongly encouraged to consult with funding IC program staff.

This NOSI is corrected for the application expiration date as follows:

Currently reads:

  • April 21, 2021

Is modified to read:

  • April 15, 2021

This NOSI is corrected for the project budget as follows:

Currently reads:

  • Project budgets up to $2,000,000 (Total Costs) will be considered. Applicants considering budget requests greater than $2,00,0000 total direct costs are strongly encouraged to consult with funding IC program staff prior to submitting the supplement request. The budgets should be commensurate with the number of sites, subjects, and complexity of the study proposed. The proposed budget must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Is modified to read:

Project budgets up to $2,000,000 (Total Costs) will be considered. Applicants considering budget requests greater than $250,000 (Direct Costs) are strongly encouraged to consult with funding IC program staff prior to submitting the supplement request.


Please direct all inquiries to:

[email protected]

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NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices