Notice of Change in
Policy on the Submission of Plans for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of
Research for Institutional Training Grant (T and D) Applications
Notice Number: NOT-OD-11-039
Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:
- July 18, 2012 - See Notice NOT-DE-12-002. Notice of Change in the Directions for the Submission of Plans for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research for NIDCR Institutional T32 and T90/R90 Applications.
- May 12, 2011 - See Notice NOT-OD-11-076 Notice of Change in Policy on the Submission of Plans for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research for Institutional T32 Applications in Response to RFA-EY-10-001.
Key Dates
Date: February 11, 2011
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The following change in policy is effective for Institutional
Training Grant (T and D) applications intended for May 25, 2011 and subsequent
due dates.
This Notice informs prospective applicants for the Ruth L. Kirschstein
National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Training grants and Non-NRSA
Institutional Training grants, that the required plans for instruction in the
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) will have page limits separate from
the page limits for the Research Training Program Plan Component. Specifically:
SF 424 (R&R), Section 8.7 - Research Training Program Plan
Component: combined items 2.2 (Background), 2.3 (Program Plan), and 2.4 (Recruitment
and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity) will be limited to 25 pages.
The plan for instruction in RCR (Item 2.5) will no longer be
included in the 25 page limit for the Research Training Program Plan Component.
Rather, the plan for instruction in RCR will now have its own separate page limit, and will be limited to 3 pages.
For a list of NRSA Training grant FOAs, see the T Kiosk, and for a list
of Non-NRSA Training grant FOAs, see Non-NRSA Fellowships,
Training, and Education Grant Funding Opportunities
Please direct all inquiries to:
NIH Research Training Officer
Email: [email protected]