Notice Number: NOT-OD-10-093
Key Dates
Release Date: May 7, 2010
Effective Date: August 1, 2010
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (
Beginning with SNAP progress reports due on/after August 1, 2010, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the use of the eRA Commons eSNAP module for the submission of all SNAP progress reports. Concurrently, NIH is expanding the SNAP provisions, described below, to all SNAP awards.
The eRA electronic Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (eSNAP) enables grantees to submit an electronic version of the SNAP Type 5 (non-competing) progress report through the eRA Commons. Grantees should refer to the Notice of Award (NoA), under Section II Terms and Conditions, to determine whether SNAP provisions apply to a particular award. In general this streamlined process applies to all R series grant activity codes except for Outstanding Investigator Grants (R35s), Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research Grants (R43) and Phase 1 Small Business Technology Transfer Grants (R41). For Phase I SBIR/STTR awards that exceed one year and Phase II SBIR/STTR, grantees should review the NoA to determine if their project is subject to or excluded from the SNAP provisions. Career award activity codes (Ks) are also routinely covered under SNAP. Those activity codes routinely excluded from SNAP are generally those that do not have the authority to automatically carry over unobligated balances (centers, cooperative agreements, institutional training including Kirschstein-NRSA grants, non-Fast Track Phase I SBIR and STTR awards), clinical trials (regardless of activity codes), Program Project Grants (P01s) and Outstanding Investigator Grants (R35s).
SNAP instructions for submitting the progress report appear in the PHS 2590 Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report under Section 2.1: eSNAP is the electronic submission of SNAP progress reports. This eRA Commons tool is based on the data collected in the PHS2590. When eSNAP was first developed, it pilot tested a few additional provisions which are now being included as permanent provisions of all NIH SNAP progress reports. See the eSNAP eRA web page for additional information.
New SNAP Provisions
The SNAP provisions are hereby expanded to include the following:
1. SNAP Progress reports will be due 45 days prior to the next budget start date instead of 60 days.
2. IRB and IACUC approval dates will not be required as part of each progress report submission. However, it remains an institutional responsibility to ensure that these reviews are conducted in accordance with all Federal requirements. The Federal-wide (human subjects) and Animal Welfare Assurance numbers will continue to be maintained in the Institutional profile section of the eRA Commons. Approval dates must be submitted to the NIH upon request.
3. The grantee may delegate authority to the PD/PI to submit the progress report directly to NIH. This is an optional delegation authority available in the eRA Commons eSNAP tool.
eRA Commons eSNAP Features
Enabling eSNAP: The eRA Basic Institutional Profile screen presently includes the ability to selectively enable or disable the use of eSNAP through an "eSNAP Institution Self-Registration feature." To accommodate implementation of mandated use of eSNAP, in July 2010 NIH will automatically enable all grantees to submit eSNAPs. It is important that the grantee not click "disable." With the Fall 2010 eRA release, this feature will be completely removed as it is no longer required.
PD/PI Delegation to Submit: Only those with a Signing Official (SO) role in eRA Commons may delegate authority to a PD/PI to submit eSNAP Progress Report to the NIH. This is known as the Delegate Submit Authority function, and is found under the Admin tab in the Commons screen available to the SO. The SO may also revoke the submit authority. Delegation of submit authority to a PD/PI in no way lessens the responsibility of an SO to comply with required assurances and certifications. When such delegation is provided, the SO receives notification when the submission has occurred. For additional details see the eSNAP User Guide noted below.
The Delegate PI function enables a PD/PI to delegate PI authority to another registered Commons user from the institution. Delegating this authority allows the selected user to assist in the completion of the PD/PI's eSNAP, but does not include the authority or allow the user to submit the eSNAP to NIH. Only the SO or a PD/PI with delegated authority may submit an eSNAP to the NIH.
The eRA Commons Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (eSNAP) User Guide is updated and available at this site
New Submission Policy
Beginning with SNAP progress reports due on/after August 1, 2010, paper progress reports will not be accepted.
All progress reports for awards subject to SNAP must be submitted electronically using the eRA Commons eSNAP module. The purpose of this firm implementation date is to electronically capture all SNAP Progress Reports eligible for funding in FY2011. Paper submissions will be considered noncompliant and will not be accepted or used for consideration for funding and will not become part of the official grant file. Grantees who incorrectly submit a paper progress report will be required to resubmit the progress report electronically using eSNAP. Note that late progress reports may delay a noncompeting award.
General inquires about this Notice may be directed to:
Questions concerning use of the eSNAP module in eRA Commons may be directed to the eRA Service Desk: