Release Date:  August 23, 2001 (Superceded by NOT-OD-01-059 dated August 27, 2001)

NOTICE:  NOT-OD-01-058

National Institutes of Health

In accordance with the President"s announcement of August 9, 2001 
(, the National Institutes of 
Health is initiating a process to enable researchers use Federal funds to 
conduct research using human embryonic stem cells that existed as of August 9 
and that meet the criteria established by the President.  The President"s 
complete remarks and related information are available at 

Investigators may not conduct research on any human embryonic stem cells until 
the NIH issues the policies and the procedures that will enable researchers and 
their institutions to document adherence to the criteria established by the 
President for use of these cells with Federal funds (direct and F&A).  A 
web-based NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry is being developed, which will 
provide information about those cells that NIH investigators may propose for use 
in Federally-funded research and which derivers wish to make available to 
investigators.  The Registry will be regularly updated with information on 
available cells. 

In addition, the NIH anticipates that individual Institutes and Centers may 
issue solicitations that reflect their own unique research interests as they 
relate to research using human embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells.  As 
usual, further updates and all solicitations will appear in the NIH Guide for 
Grants and Contracts that is available online at 

Inquiries may be directed to [email protected].

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