July 14, 2021
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Excellent mentorship and superior training are critical to the development of exceptional future scientists. To recognize the crucial role great mentors play in the development of future leaders in neuroscience, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) created the Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship. This award provides $100,000.00 (direct costs) to up to five (5) faculty members, who have demonstrated a dedication to outstanding mentorship and training, to help foster the research career development of additional students and post-doctorates. NINDS hopes that this tangible award will impress upon the scientific community as a whole, and faculty and institutional leaders in particular, the high value NINDS places on outstanding training and mentorship. Further, NINDS hopes that it encourages institutions to reward individuals not only for outstanding research accomplishments but also for their impact on the lives of others, and the future of neuroscience, through outstanding mentorship and training.
Selection for this award is based on nomination from those who have first-hand knowledge of an individual's outstanding mentorship.Thus, current or former trainees are invited to nominate faculty members who have served as their mentors (note: faculty members should NOT solicit nominations for themselves or others who were not their direct mentors). Eligible individuals for this award must be in a tenure-track or equivalent faculty position and hold an active NINDS R01, R35, U01, U54, P01, DP1, DP2 or equivalent, 4-5 year duration NIH award, with at least one year left on their grant in June 2022. Faculty members nominated by two or more mentees will then be invited to submit additional information needed for the selection process.
The full details of the award, and the selection process can be found at Landis Mentor Award. Because outstanding mentors exist at each career stage, and have different levels of mentorship accomplishments, NINDS rotates eligibility requirements each year (see Landis Mentor Award).
With this notice, NINDS invites nominations of outstanding mentors who are 13-20 years from the start of their first tenure-track or equivalent faculty position (i.e., the start date of their first tenure-track or equivalent faculty position was between 2001-2008).
All prior Landis Awardees can be found at Landis Mentor Awardees (note: prior Landis Mentor Awardees are not eligible for consideration for a second Landis Award)
Nominations for the NINDS Landis Mentor Award will be accepted ONLY from current and former trainees of the nominated individual. To nominate a current or former mentor, individuals should visit Landis Mentor Award and complete a nomination form by December 15, 2021. The following information will be requested:
For a nomination to be considered, all of the above information must be provided via the nomination form found at Landis Mentor Award.
NINDS will consider a number of characteristics that define outstanding mentorship to guide the final selection of Landis Awardees. These include:
Stephen Korn, Ph.D.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Telephone: 301-496-4188
Email:[email protected]