March 16, 2021
PA-20-272 - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
This NINDS Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) announces the availability of administrative supplements to support hyperacute magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain in stroke patients to understand how lesion evolution and hyperacute brain changes affect cognitive trajectories and outcomes.
Hyperacute neuroimaging is the standard of care for triaging stroke patients to thrombolysis, and more recently, endovascular therapy. Computed tomography (CT) has been the preferred modality for hyperacute neuroimaging (first / triage scan) of stroke patients due to its ease of use, widespread availability, quick scan times, and ability to accurately identify hemorrhagic and non-vascular causes of stroke. Rapid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols (~15 minutes) can replace CT in most cases, and MRI-based biomarkers of tissue injury can select ischemic stroke patients for thrombolysis when symptom onset is unknown (e.g. wake-up or unwitnessed strokes ; estimated to occur in 14 - 27% of cases).
Research has also suggested that hyperacute changes, such as perfusion abnormalities, blood brain barrier leakage, and loss of microstructural integrity, are relevant to stroke outcomes, but less is known about the effects on Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer Disease Related Dementia (AD/ADRD). The NINDS will provide supplements to eligible active awards to examine hyperacute changes on MRI in stroke patients that aid in treatment decisions and/or assessing susceptibility/risk and prognosis related to AD/ADRD outcomes (Alzheimer Disease, Vascular contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (VCID), Lewy Body Dementia, and Frontotemporal degeneration).
Research Objectives
The primary scientific goals of this administrative supplement are to perform MRI in hyperacute ischemic stroke patients (triage/first scan) and to analyze the potential relationships between stroke and AD/ADRD imaging, clinical, and biomarker data, in order to allow for future evaluation of outcomes and associated factors. Additionally, the NINDS appreciates the logistical challenges of MRI in hyperacute ischemic stroke treatment settings and aims to facilitate research programs in partnering with health care systems interested in transitioning to an MRI first paradigm. Budget items related to logistics (e.g. MRI technician time, patient navigator time) are allowed in addition to items related to data acquisition, management, analysis, and sequence development. Research topics of interest for this administrative supplement may include, but are not limited to:
Studies proposed in the supplement application must be within scope of the original parent application’s research. If an investigator is unsure whether their supplemental project would be considered within scope, then they should contact the appropriate program officer to discuss the proposed studies.
Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-20-272 must be followed, with the following additions:
Carlos C. Faraco, Ph.D.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Phone: 301-496-9135
E-mail: [email protected]