Notice of Correction in the Instructions for the Submission of the Eligibility Certification Letter in PAR-12-152 "NINDS Faculty Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience (K01)"

Notice Number: NOT-NS-13-014

Key Dates

Release Date: February 11, 2013

Related Notices


Issued by

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)


This Notice corrects the application instruction regarding the submission of a required letter certifying eligibility of the K01 applicant for this program.

Specifically, the applicant institution must submit a letter certifying that the applicant belongs to one of the diversity groups currently underrepresented in the neuroscience research workforce on a national basis as further defined in PAR-12-152 (see Section III.1 on Eligible Individuals).

The instructions currently state:

Information must be submitted by the applicant Institution in a letter certifying that the applicant belongs to one of the above groups. The letter should be inserted in the application immediately before the Checklist as a PDF file.

The instructions SHOULD state:

The certification letter (titled: Diversity_Eligibility_Ltr) must be attached via "Other Attachments" in the SF424 Other Project Information form. The letter must be on institutional letterhead and scanned so that an institutional official signature is visible.

All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:
Michelle Jones-London, Ph.D.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Phone: (301) 451-7966
Email: [email protected]