Notice Number: NOT-NS-12-022
Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:
Key Dates
Release Date: September 20, 2012
Related Notices
RFA-NS-09-001, RFA-NS-10-002, RFA-NS-12-003
Issued by
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NINDS issued three FOAs, listed above, which outlined details of the application process for administrative supplement requests for a Research Education Program (R25) for Residents and Fellows in Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology and Neuroradiology. The purpose of this notice is to inform R25 PD(s)/PI(s) of changes to those instructions. A detailed set of instructions can be found at These instructions include the following changes with respect to previous years:
1. The due date for supplement requests was changed from September 10 to October 31. Thus, the due date for supplement requests for fiscal year 2013 funding is October 31, 2012.
2. Starting with the October 2012 due date, each PD/PI should submit just a single supplement request, regardless of the number of participants for which support is requested.
3. Starting with the October 2012 due date, supplement applications should be submitted electronically via the eRA Commons streamlined process.
4. Starting with the October 2012 due date, NINDS will provide $10,000 direct cost per program per year for administrative costs in each year that at least one resident/fellow is supported. This may be used for PD/PI salary, effort by an administrative assistant, or other typically allowable costs.
5. As a result of the policy change described in bullet 4, starting in fiscal year 2013 (via supplement requests submitted for the October 2012 due date), the direct costs provided for each program will be up to $70,000 per participant for participant salary, fringe benefits and travel plus $10,000 for administrative costs per program if a participant is supported. As in past years, he maximum travel cost allowed within the $70,000 provided for each participant is $2,000.
6. Previously, NINDS provided support for participants for 6 to 12 months during residency and then for up to 12 months during a second year during residency or fellowship. Thus, for participants completing only 6 months of support during residency, the maximum support was limited to 18 months. Starting with the October 2012 due date, NINDS will provide up to two full years of support for participants who complete 1) at least 6 months of support during residency and 2) an additional 12 months of support in a subsequent year. Thus, participants can achieve up to 24 months of support by obtaining 6 months of support during a 3rd fiscal year. A gap in research effort is allowed between the first 6 months of support and the 2nd period of research support (i.e. fellowship) if additional full time clinical training is required. However, an additional 6 months of support in a 3rd fiscal year must occur contiguously with the 2nd period of support. Similar to other support years, an administrative supplement request will be required for this additional 6 months of support.
It is anticipated that the next FOA for this program will be published in the autumn of 2014, open to both new programs and programs previously supported by RFA-NS-09-001 and RFA-NS-10-002.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Stephen Korn, Ph.D.
Chief, Office of Training, Career Development and Workforce Diversity
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Email: [email protected]