Notice of Correction to Letters of Support Expectations for RFA-MH-22-130, "Integrating Mental Health Care into Health Care Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)"
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:

March 10, 2022

Related Announcements

RFA-MH-22-130 - Integrating Mental Health Care into Health Care Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Issued by

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


The purpose of this Notice is to correct the Letters of Support expectations for RFA-MH-22-130, "Integrating Mental Health Care into Health Care Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)". The sentence in bold italics below has been removed.

Currently Reads:

Section IV. 2. Letters of Support

The Chair of the Department where the PD/PI holds the primary academic appointment must provide a letter describing any tangible research support committed to the PD/PI. This may include start-up packages provided to the investigator, salary commitment, protected time for research, space and equipment allocations, core facilities made available without charge-back, specialized training, mini-sabbatical experiences to promote career enhancement, etc. In addition, the letter should discuss the departmental commitment to protected research time for the applicant. The department is encouraged to provide release time so that the applicant can devote at least 6, preferably up to 9 person-months (75%) of their professional effort to research. The strength of the institutional support will be considered a factor in the review of the application.

Modified to Read:

Section IV. 2. Letters of Support

The Chair of the Department where the PD/PI holds the primary academic appointment must provide a letter describing any tangible research support committed to the PD/PI. This may include start-up packages provided to the investigator, salary commitment, protected time for research, space and equipment allocations, core facilities made available without charge-back, specialized training, mini-sabbatical experiences to promote career enhancement, etc. In addition, the letter should discuss the departmental commitment to protected research time for the applicant. The strength of the institutional support will be considered a factor in the review of the application.

All other aspects of this RFA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Andrea Horvath Marques, M.D., MPH, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-646-7320