May 14, 2021
PA-21-235 - NIMH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
The purpose of this Notice is to correct the Award Budget information for PA-21-235, "NIMH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)". The following text of Section II, Award Information, has been corrected as follows:
Currently Reads:
Section II. Award Information
Award Budget: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Corrected to Read (in italics):
Section II. Award Information
Award Budget: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.
All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged.