Notice of Clarification to PAR-17-252 "From Genomic Association to Causation: A Convergent Neuroscience Approach for Integrating Levels of Analysis to Delineate Brain Function in Neuropsychiatry (Collaborative R01)"

Notice Number: NOT-MH-18-008

Key Dates
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


The purpose of this notice is to update the Application Due Date and PI effort requirements for PAR-17-252, "From Genomic Association to Causation: A Convergent Neuroscience Approach for Integrating Levels of Analysis to Delineate Brain Function in Neuropsychiatry (Collaborative R01)".
Effective immediately applications will be due once a year on February 5th for new submissions and March 5th for renewals, resubmissions, revisions until the expiration of the FOA. Additionally, the effort requirement for the PD/PI and MPIs is reduced from 3 to 2 person months beginning for the 2018 application due dates of February 5th/March 5th and lasting until the expiration of the FOA.

Current Language
Application Due Date(s)

May 1, 2017 and then Standard dates apply , by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. All types of non-AIDS applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due on these dates.

Scientific Merit Review:
Standard dates apply
Advisory Council Review
Standard dates apply
Earliest Start Date
Standard dates apply
Expiration Date
September 8, 2020

Revised Language
Application Due Date(s)
New applications: February 5, 2018, February 5, 2019
Resubmissions, renewals, Revisions: March 5, 2018, March 5, 2019

Scientific Merit Review:
June-July 2018, June-July 2019
Advisory Council Review
October 2018, October 2019
Earliest Start Date
December 2018, December 2019
Expiration Date
May 8, 2019

Current Language
Section IV. Application and Submission Information
2. Content and Form of Application Submission
R&R or Modular Budget

A minimum effort of 3 person months is required for each individual serving as PD/PI or multiple PD/PI(s).

Revised Language
A minimum effort of 2 person months is required for each individual serving as PD/PI or multiple PD/PI(s).

All other aspects of the FOA remains unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Geetha Senthil, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-402-0754