Notice of Clarification for Other Attachments in PAR-17-081 "NIMH Research Education Programs for Psychiatry Residents (R25)"

Notice Number: NOT-MH-17-035

Key Dates
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


This Notice is to clarify the placement of Data Table 8C Part 1 for renewal applications for applications submitted to PAR-17-081, "NIMH Research Education Programs for Psychiatry Residents (R25)"

Section IV.2
SF424 (R&R) Other Projects Information Component
Other Attachments

Current Language
Other Attachments. An Advisory Committee is not a required component of a Research Education program.  However, if an Advisory Committee is intended, provide a plan for the appointment of an Advisory Committee to monitor progress of the research education program. The composition, roles, responsibilities, and desired expertise of committee members, frequency of committee meetings, and other relevant information should be included. Describe how the Advisory Committee will evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program. Proposed Advisory Committee members should be named in the application if they have been invited to participate at the time the application is submitted.  Renewal applications with Advisory Committees should include the names of all committee members during the past project period.  Please name your file “Advisory_Committee.pdf”

The filename provided for each “Other Attachment” will be the name used for the bookmark in the electronic application in eRA Commons.

Revised Language
Other Attachments. An Advisory Committee is not a required component of a Research Education program.  However, if an Advisory Committee is intended, provide a plan for the appointment of an Advisory Committee to monitor progress of the research education program. The composition, roles, responsibilities, and desired expertise of committee members, frequency of committee meetings, and other relevant information should be included. Describe how the Advisory Committee will evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program. Proposed Advisory Committee members should be named in the application if they have been invited to participate at the time the application is submitted.  Renewal applications with Advisory Committees should include the names of all committee members during the past project period.  Please name your file “Advisory_Committee.pdf”

Each renewal must also include Data Table 8C Part I, reflecting all participants who have been supported by this grant at any time during the last 15 years, including those who did not complete the program for any reason. If the grant has been active for less than 15 years, list all participants to date. Please name your file "Data_Table_8C_Part_1.pdf".

The filename provided for each “Other Attachment” will be the name used for the bookmark in the electronic application in eRA Commons.

PHS 398 Research Plan Component
Research Education Program Plan

Proposed Research Education Program
Current Language
For renewal applications, the Progress Report should describe the previously supported program and its objectives, results of the outcomes measured, the number and characteristics of participants in the past project period, materials disseminated, and any changes in the administration, objectives, or program activities during the prior project period. The description of the proposed program for the next funding period should highlight how the program continues to evolve as well as any changes in program objectives and/or activities that are planned to maintain the currency of the program offered. Each renewal should also include Data Table 8C Part I, reflecting all trainees who have been supported by this grant at any time during the last 15 years, including those who did not complete the training program for any reason. If the grant has been active for less than 15 years, list all trainees to date.

Revised Language
For renewal applications, the Progress Report should describe the previously supported program and its objectives, results of the outcomes measured, the number and characteristics of participants in the past project period, materials disseminated, and any changes in the administration, objectives, or program activities during the prior project period. The description of the proposed program for the next funding period should highlight how the program continues to evolve as well as any changes in program objectives and/or activities that are planned to maintain the currency of the program offered.  

All other aspects of this FOA remains unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Mark Chavez, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-443-8942