Availability of RAISE Data for Secondary Data Analysis

Notice Number: NOT-MH-16-006

Key Dates
Release Date: June 21, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


Under an NIMH-funded contract, the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research carried out the landmark Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode- Early Treatment Program study (RAISE-ETP). Findings from the RAISE-ETP cluster-randomized clinical trial showed that Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for young people with first episode psychosis (FEP) produced superior improvements in symptoms and functioning compared to typical FEP care and that this treatment is cost-effective. RAISE-ETP is the largest and only multi-site randomized clinical trial of CSC in the United States, involving 404 participants with FEP in 34 clinical sites across the country.

The RAISE ETP data will be available to the research community at large for secondary data analyses beginning on July 15, 2016, via the NIMH National Database for Clinical Trials (NDCT) at http://ndct.nimh.nih.gov/. The RAISE-ETP dataset is a national scientific resource and offers an unprecedented opportunity for researchers to address critical questions about FEP and CSC that were beyond the scope of the RAISE-ETP contract. Extensive data have been collected in numerous domains--psychopathology, general medical health, work and school participation, service use, medications and side effects, substance use, neurocognition, insurance status, and many other areas--over the 2-year intervention period. Data from the RAISE Implementation and Evaluation Study are already available through the NDCT. See https://ndar.nih.gov/edit_collection.html?id=2284.

Investigators wishing to conduct analyses with either RAISE data set will need to submit their data access request through the NIMH NDCT. Researchers might consider seeking support for their work through the NIH Small Research Grant Program (Parent R03) mechanism, which supports secondary analysis of existing data. Other NIMH funding mechanisms might be appropriate for larger projects using RAISE data.


NDCT Contact

Please direct all inquiries on accessing RAISE data through NDCT to:
Gretchen Navidi (C)
National Institute of Mental Health
Telephone: 301-443-7725
Email: navidig@mail.nih.gov

NIMH Scientific/Research Contact

Please direct all inquiries about the RAISE studies or NIMH funding mechanisms to:
Susan T. Azrin, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Telephone: 301-443-3267
Email: Susan.Azrin@nih.gov