Notice Number: NOT-MH-12-030
Key Dates
Release Date: August 10, 2012
Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
The purpose of this Notice is to clarify the types of applications allowed in response to PAR-12-154, which invites revision applications from current NIMH-supported cooperative agreements (U01 awards).
The FOA as written invites revision applications and resubmission applications. The intention of allowing these two application types is to allow revision applications (i.e., S1) and resubmissions of revision applications (i.e., S1A1). Resubmission applications other than revision resubmission applications will not be accepted. As renewal applications (previously referred to as competing continuation, also known as Type 2) are not allowed under this FOA, resubmissions of renewal applications will not be accepted.
All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.
Inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to:
Mi Hillefors, M.D., Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-443-1692