Notice Number: NOT-MH-12-028
Key Dates
Release Date: July 17, 2012
Estimated Publication Date of Announcement: September 2012
First Estimated Application Due Date: October 2012
Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health,(NIMH)
The purpose of this notice is to inform potential applicants that the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) intends to reissue Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) PAR-09-153 - Collaborative R01s for Clinical and Services Studies of Mental Disorders and AIDS (Collaborative R01), which will expire on September 8, 2012.
The FOA, which will use the NIH Collaborative Research Project Grant (Collaborative R01) award mechanism, is expected to be published in September 2012 with an expected receipt date in October 2012. Details of the planned FOA are provided below.
Research Initiative Details
This planned FOA is intended to support collaborative intervention trials in the treatment, prevention or rehabilitation of those with mental disorders and comorbid mental disorders. Support is also provided for other collaborative clinical studies, including, but not limited to, mental health services research, AIDS, genetics, and psychopathology. This FOA should be used when two or more sites are needed to complete the study. Accordingly, the collaborating studies share a specific protocol across the sites and are organized as such in order to increase sample size, accelerate recruitment, or increase sample diversity and representation. In studies with a large number of sites, it is expected that one site will be submitted as a coordinating site for data management and/or other centralized administration. For a linked set of collaborative R01s, each site has its own Program Director/Principal Investigator and the program provides a mechanism for cross-site coordination, quality control, database management, statistical analysis, and reporting.
Inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to:
Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.
Division of Services and Intervention Research
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7145, MSC 9633
Bethesda, MD 20892-9633
Telephone: (301) 443-2477