Notice Number: NOT-MH-10-029
Key Dates
Release Date: August 5, 2010
Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (
The purpose of this notice is to correct the Eligibility Information for PAR-10-216. Foreign Institutions/Organizations are NOT eligible to apply under this funding opportunity. However, an application may include a foreign component.
NIH policies concerning grants to foreign (non-U.S.) organizations can be found in the NIH Grants Policy Statement at:
The following sections of PAR-10-216 are affected by this change
Foreign Organizations [Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entity]
NIH policies concerning grants to foreign (non-U.S.) organizations can be found in the NIH Grants Policy Statement at:
Applications from foreign organizations must:
All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.
Inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to:
Jeymohan Joseph, Ph.D.
Division of AIDS Research
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6219, MSC 9619
Rockville, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 443-6100