Notice of Intent to Publish: Program Announcement with Set-Aside (PAS) Funds on Basic and Translational Research Opportunities in the Social Neuroscience of Mental Health

Notice Number: NOT-MH-06-106

Key Dates
Release Date: March 10, 2006

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), with the possible participation of other NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs), intends to publish a Program Announcement with Set-Aside (PAS) funds soliciting applications that focus on social neuroscience in the context of the research mission of NIMH. A simple, commonly agreed upon definition of social neuroscience remains elusive but a unifying theme is the interaction between brain and various behaviors with an integral social component. These components include: individual/person perception, affect recognition, various kinds of affiliative or aggressive behaviors, social motivation, decision making, cooperation, empathy, attachment, attitude evaluation and self processes as well as many others. This PAS will be a three-year program with funds set-aside specifically to support applications in this research area in each of these three years. NIMH encourages consideration of this PAS by those members of the research community with interests in basic and translational social neuroscience that is of particular relevance to the strategic NIMH research mission and uses either animal or human subjects. NIMH is particularly interested in encouraging the development of new and innovative approaches to this research area and in fostering the development of collaborations between research communities that might have previously had only limited contact with each other. The Program Announcement, when published, will contain full details concerning this program, including the nature of the work and the collaborations that NIMH seeks to encourage.


For further information regarding this potential PAS, please contact:

Kevin J. Quinn, Ph.D.
Behavioral Science and Integrative Neuroscience Research Branch
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard , Room 7177, MSC 9637
Bethesda , MD 20892-9637
Telephone: (301) 443 1576
FAX: (301) 443 4822