ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING MINORITY RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT PROGRAM (M-RISP) APPLICATIONS PAR-01-029 RELEASE DATE: May 2, 2003 NOTICE: NOT-MH-03-005 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) ( PURPOSE The purpose of this notice is to describe in greater detail, the appropriate content, format, and organization of applications submitted for the Minority Research Infrastructure Support Program (M-RISP) (PAR-01-029). For specific information, including eligibility requirements, see the M-RISP program announcement (PAR-01-029; PAR-01-029.html). Clarification of Instructions for New, Competing Continuation, Revised, and Supplemental Applications The M-RISP Program Announcement (PAR-01-029) should be consulted when preparing an M-RISP application. Except where modified below, the applicant must follow the specific instructions for completing the Form PHS 398 (Rev 5/01). Applicants are reminded to carefully follow requirements for minimum font size and page margins, as noted in the PHS 398 instructions, and page limits, as noted in PAR-01-029. Applications that fail to follow the requirements and format will be returned without review. An M-RISP application must: 1) describe current institutional and faculty capacity to conduct mental health-related research, 2) identify unmet needs, and 3) describe activities that will be undertaken to develop and strengthen the institutional research infrastructure. The M-RISP plan should include both an Institutional Research Development Plan (Infrastructure Core) and 2 or more Individual Investigator Research Projects. The plan should cover a period of 3 years (new applications) or 5 years (competing renewals) and indicate how the capacity to conduct mental health research will be improved significantly in this time period. For competing renewals, the progress and current status of all faculty and students (including any current grant support) supported during the previous award period must be included. (The latter information for competing renewals should be included as Appendix 1.) Clarification of Format for New or Competing Renewal Application The M-RISP application should be structured according to the order below. The application can be divided into four sections. Section 1 will include the face page through the table of contents; the overall summary budget; the individual Infrastructure Core budget, biosketches, and resources; and the Infrastructure Core plan. Section 2 should include two or more Individual Investigator Research Projects, formatted as noted below. Section 3 should include the PHS 398 Checklist. Section 4 should include any and all Appendices. For Sections 1-3 the pages should be numbered consecutively at the bottom throughout the application. Each appendix should have a cover sheet identifying the appendix content with appendix pages numbered consecutively. Specific PHS form pages are listed and other form pages should be used where appropriate. SECTION 1: o Face Page (Form Page 1), Please note "PAR-01-029" on line 2 o Description, Performance Sites, and Key Personnel for entire program (Form Page 2) o Research Grant Table of Contents for the entire application (Form Page 3) o Overall Summary Budget: Overall Summary Budget page for entire grant period (Form Page 4, 5) o Infrastructure Core Budget - Detailed Budget page, budget justification for Infrastructure Core (Form Page 4) - Budget page for Infrastructure Core for entire grant period (Form Page 5) o Biographical Sketch of Program Director o Resources o Narrative Section: Infrastructure Core (Use PHS 25 page limit for Items A-E) The narrative should: a. Describe the specific aims for the M-RISP. b. Summarize the relevant ongoing mental health research effort at the applicant institution. If a competing renewal, progress on the program aims and the individual projects during the previous period of support must be described. c. Provide an assessment of the institutional capacity to conduct state-of-the art research on mental health issues and identify gaps or deficiencies that M-RISP is intended to address. d. Identify the proposed program director or co-program director and describe their track record of directing research programs, mentoring undergraduate/ graduate students, directing training or health services programs, record of mental health related publications, and commitment to increasing diversity in the national pool of mental health researchers. e. Describe the design and procedures to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the research infrastructure development plan over the time period of the proposed project (3 years for new applications, up to 5 years for competitive renewal applications), including plans for the administrative structure, recruitment and retention of persons skilled in mental health research, staff training and mentoring, statistical and other consultation and data management, and collaboration with other institutions. f. Describe the need and extent to which current research resources (e.g., equipment, space, facilities) will be developed or enhanced with M-RISP support. g. Describe the institutional financial commitment to support the proposed minority mental health research infrastructure development. h. Plan for the protection of human subjects, if applicable. i. Plan for the protection of vertebrate animals, if applicable. j. Consultants and collaborators (describe roles and need for expertise). k. Consortium/contractual arrangements (need must be justified). l. Literature cited. SECTION 2: M-RISP Individual Investigator Research Projects. Format for each research subproject or pilot project (numbered consecutively, continuing from the last page of Section 1.) o M-RISP face page for each project: new page that includes the project title, project investigator with degree, title, department o Project description, performance site, key personnel (Form Page 2) o Detailed Budget page, budget justification for project (Form Page 4) o Budget page for Entire project (Form Page 5) o Biographical sketch for project investigator: The project investigator MUST be identified. Applications listing the principal investigator as TBA or TBD will be returned without being reviewed. o Resources for project o Research Plan Narrative (15 page limit for items A-D) a. Specific aims of the investigator's research project Linkages to overall institutional capacity development plan. b. Background and significance, including review of literature relevant to the proposed research project. c. Preliminary studies and progress report if currently supported. d. Research plan, including experimental design, methods and timetable. e. Plan for the protection of human subjects, where applicable. f. Plan for the protection of vertebrate animals, if applicable. g. Consultants and collaborators (describe roles and need for expertise). h. Consortium/contractual arrangements (need must be justified). i. Literature cited. SECTION # Checklist (PHS Checklist Form Page) SECTION 4 Appendix o For competing renewals, the progress and current status of all faculty and students (including any current grant support) supported during the previous award period must be included as Appendix 1. o Multiple appendices should be numbered consecutively and if linked to a specific program element or project, should be identified as such. BUDGET LIMITATIONS AND ALLOWABLE COSTS The maximum direct cost allowed for the M-RISP grant is $400,000 per year, plus negotiated Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)-- formerly known as indirect costs. The Infrastructure Core component of M-RISP grants averages $100,000 per year in direct costs. Individual Developmental Investigator projects average $60,000 per year in direct costs. Support is limited to 3 years for a first-time application. The Infrastructure Core component of an M-RISP grant is renewable for intervals of up to 5 years, provided that junior investigators are continuing and/or new junior investigators are selected. Note that individual investigators who participate in subprojects will not be supported more than a total of 6 years through the M-RISP program. All Budget items must be justified within the context of the goals of M-RISP infrastructure development or specific research projects. Allowable direct costs include salary support based on effort and institutional salary levels for persons engaged on the project (normally includes the principal investigators (PIs) or individuals directing initial or developmental research projects, co-investigators, data analysis and essential technical staff, etc.). Limited administrative or clerical salaries may be considered direct charges to the grant only when the duties are specifically identified and justified as reflecting significantly greater effort than the level of such services routinely provided. In some cases, the application may also request support for research assistantships for students to work with faculty members who have mental health related research funding through another NIH mechanism of support (R01, R03, P01, etc.). Institutions are encouraged to use funds under M-RISP to increase availability of research assistants on these projects, but funds are not to be used to replace any research assistant positions supported by other Federal or non-Federal awards, nor may trainees supported by National Research Services Awards (NRSA) be selected until the research training programs are completed. The M-RISP PA provides general rather than specific guidance as to the types of development activities appropriate under M-RISP. Support may be requested for, but is not limited to, the following: o Specialized research training for junior investigators (e.g., selected courses related to enhancing capability to conduct research such as advanced seminars, instruction on scientific technique) o Scientific and statistical consultation, including expenses incurred by a scientific advisory committee o Biostatistical and data management services o Research technicians and assistants o Research instrumentation o Small, project-specific equipment and supplies o Pilot and feasibility studies o Research subject costs o Data acquisition and statistical analysis costs o Travel to scientific meetings for the PI and individual investigators Clarification on the Preparation of a Revised Application, or a Competitive Supplement Application to Expand an M-RISP Grant Refer to the PHS 398 instructions for Revised and Supplemental Applications. A revised application must include an Introduction that responds to issues and criticisms raised in the previous review. A Competitive Supplement Application (Type 3) may be submitted to expand the scope of a current M-RISP grant by adding new individual developmental investigator project(s), extending the aims of an Individual Investigator Research project, or submitting amended Individual Investigator Research Projects from the parent grant that were not funded. The supplemental application may only be submitted if the parent M-RISP has been awarded, i.e., a Notice of Grant Award has been received by the applicant institution, and only in the first year of an initial grant period or in the first two years of a renewal grant period. In addition, the supplemental application may not request funding beyond the term of the current grant or request funds that, when added to the parent award, would exceed the program direct costs maximum amount allowable for an M-RISP grant ($400,000). The June 1 submission date for regular applications also applies to revised and supplemental applications. With the exceptions noted the format for the supplemental application is identical to the format and organization for new and competing renewal applications described in this notice. Section 1 of a revised application must include an Introduction (3 pages or less), preceding the narrative section that addresses criticisms and issues raised in the previous summary statement. The Introduction should also summarize the changes made in the Infrastructure/Core plans and M-RISP program in response to the previous review. The changes in the application must be clearly marked unless the changes are so extensive as to include most of the text. This exception should be explained in the Introduction. For a supplemental application the Introduction must summarize how the expanded scope (i.e., additional new or revised projects) is related to the original aims of the parent M-RISP grant. This section must contain sufficient information from the parent grant application to allow evaluation of the proposed supplement in relation to the goals of the original application, including how the supplement will influence the specific aims, experimental design, and methods of the current grant. Any proposed changes in the allocation of funds within and among budget categories for the remainder of the project period of the current M-RISP grant must be discussed in the budget justification. Section 2 will include new and/or revised Individual Investigator Research Projects. For Revised projects the required Introduction must provide responses to the criticisms in the prior summary statement, and revisions made in the research plan must be clearly summarized in the introduction. The applicant must also incorporate in the Preliminary Studies component of the application any work performed since the prior version was submitted. The Introduction for a revised project may not exceed 3 pages, and is not included in the 15-page limit of the Research Plan narrative. The Introduction should precede the Research Plan narrative. SENDING AN APPLICATION TO THE NIH: Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application, including the checklist and supporting documentation, and three signed photocopies in one package to: CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEW NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 6701 ROCKLEDGE DRIVE, ROOM 1040-MSC 7710 BETHESDA, MD 20892-7710 BETHESDA, MD 20817 (for express/courier service) At the time of submission, two additional copies of the application must be sent to: Jean Noronha, Ph.D. Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6154 MSC 9609 Bethesda, MD 20892-9609 WHERE TO SEND INQUIRIES Applicants with inquiries concerning this Notice and the M-RISP PA are encouraged to contact NIMH Program Staff to clarify specific questions or issues. o For overall NIMH policy with regard to M-RISP, direct your questions to: Robert A. Mays, Jr., Ph.D. Office for Special Populations National Institute of Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8125, MSC 9659 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 443-2847 FAX: (301) 443-8022 Email: [email protected] o Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to: Joy R. Knipple Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6115, MSC 9605 Bethesda, MD 20892-9605 Telephone: (301) 443-8811 FAX: (301) 443-6885 Email: [email protected]
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