Correction to Eligibility Requirements, PAR-03-109, NLM Senior Biomedical Informatics Fellowship (F38)

Notice Number: NOT-LM-05-004

Key Dates
Release Date: June 7, 2005

Issued by
National Library of Medicine (NLM), (

The purpose of this notice is to correct and clarify eligibility requirements for PAR-03-109. The experience requirement is reduced from ten to seven years. Clarification is provided that medical residency training, fellowship training and full-time clinical practice do not count toward the required years of experience. This change is effective immediately.

Here is the correct eligibility section:

Individuals Eligible to Become Principal Investigators

Eligibility is determined by two criteria, both of which must be satisfied. First, applicants must have completed all requirements for a qualifying doctoral or professional degree as described below. Second, by the proposed beginning date of the fellowship, applicants must have at least seven full years of relevant experience beyond the date of the qualifying degree. Relevant experience is defined as employment in a professional position that entails some significant involvement in research in such roles as study leader or collaborator in a study team. Full time clinical practice, postgraduate residency training, fellowship training, and postdoctoral training do not count toward these required years of experience.

Candidates for the F38 may have been principal investigators (PIs) on NIH research or career development awards, provided the research experience proposed in this application is in a fundamentally new field of study or there has been a significant hiatus in their research career because of family or other personal obligations. Current PIs on NIH career awards are not eligible. A candidate for the F38 award may not have pending nor concurrently apply for any other type of NIH career development award. F38 recipients are encouraged to apply for independent research grant support during the period of this award. All candidates must be willing to spend a minimum of 50 percent of full-time professional effort, during the entire award period, to activities supported by the training award.

Postdoctoral Trainees

Postdoctoral trainees must have received a Ph.D., M.D. or comparable doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign institution. Eligible doctoral degrees include, but are not limited to, the following: D.D.S., D.M.D., D.O., D.V.M., O.D., D.P.M., Sc.D., Eng.D., Dr. P.H., D.N.Sc., D. Pharm., D.S.W., and Psy.D. For these individuals, the required seven years of experience must be accrued after the date of award of the relevant doctoral degree.

Holders of Other Relevant Professional Degrees

The NLM recognizes that graduates of training programs in professions that do not customarily require a doctoral degree (e.g., library science, nursing, and social work) can make important contributions to biomedical informatics. The NLM therefore encourages applications on behalf of individuals from these professions who have significant post-training experience with significant involvement in research. Nurses and other health professionals with masters degrees offered by an accredited school of their profession, as well as health science librarians holding an M.L.S or equivalent, are eligible for this award. For these individuals, the required seven years of experience must be accrued after the date of award of the relevant masters degree.

Applications on behalf of women and other groups underrepresented in biomedical informatics are strongly encouraged.

All other aspects of PAR 03-109 remain unchanged. The full text of the PAR can be accessed at


Questions about the program or eligibility requirements should be directed to:

Dr. Charles P. Friedman
Extramural Programs
National Library of Medicine
Rockledge 1, Suite 301
6705 Rockledge Drive MSC 7968
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 594-4882
FAX: (301) 402-2952
Email: [email protected]

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