August 13, 2021
RFA-HS-22-001 - Reducing Racial and Ethnic Healthcare Disparities in Chronic Conditions by Dissemination and Implementation of Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Evidence (R18).
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable. AHRQ works within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and with other partners to ensure that the evidence is understood and used.
AHRQ intends to publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to disseminate and implement patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) findings that have been found to be the most impactful in reducing specific healthcare disparities. Interventions must be focused specifically on the goal of reducing disparities by wide-scale implementation of evidence-based care. Grant applicants may propose interventions in different healthcare settings (e.g., primary care, long-term care) based on where the comparative effectiveness evidence work was conducted. Though not limited to the following, some areas where comparative effectiveness interventions have evidence for decreasing disparities include promoting improved cancer and chronic condition screening, improving control of chronic conditions, and improving prenatal care, maternal health, and infant mortality.
This NOFO aims to advance equity in healthcare delivery through the dissemination and implementation of PCOR findings.
This notice encourages investigators with appropriate expertise and insights to consider applying for this NOFO.
Celeste Torio, PhD, MPH
Director, Division of Priority Populations
Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (OEREP)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Email: [email protected]