Notice Number: NOT-HS-07-030
Key Dates
Release Date: November 7, 2006
Issued by
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
On September 28, 2006, AHRQ published RFA-HS-07-004 (CERTs Research Centers Funding Opportunity Announcement, see
It has come to AHRQ’s attention that the current electronic grant application submission process does not support multiple-budget projects. Applications in response to RFA-HS-07-004, however, need to be structured as to allow for the review of a discrete budget for each proposed major project. In order to accommodate both the current capability of the electronic application system and the needs of this RFA, applicants will need to implement the following work-around:
Applicants are to create a spreadsheet which includes a detailed composite (overall) budget as well as separate detailed budgets for each individual project. These budgets must use the SF424 R&R budget categories. Any project that involves a consortium must also include a detailed budget for the consortium organization. Each budget in the spreadsheet should be clearly labeled to indicate what it represents (e.g., Composite, Project 1 Parent organization, Project 1 Consortium Organization A, Project 2 Organization B, etc.). Future years must also be included. The spreadsheet must be converted to a PDF file and be submitted as part of the budget justification section of the application (the budget justification section does not have a page limit). Dollar figures from the composite portion of the spreadsheet must be entered into the SF424 R&R budget form that is included as a mandatory document of the grant application package.
While AHRQ will not dictate the exact format of the spreadsheet, one possible way of displaying the budget information in a consolidated way for each project and/or consortium component is to show the budget categories in rows (with individual personnel listed under the personnel category) and budget periods in columns. A good written budget justification will be critical for explaining any fluctuations in budget categories (e.g. personnel effort levels) in future years. If a consortium organization will participate on more than one project, a separate consortium budget page will need to be included with each project in which the consortium is involved.
Questions regarding this Notice may be directed to:
Michelle Burr
Grants Management Specialist
AHRQ, OPART, Grants Management
540 Gaither Rd.
Rockville, MD 20850
301-427-1451 phone
301-427-1462 fax
[email protected]