Technical Assistance Conference Call for Centers for Education in Research and Therapeutics (CERTs) and CERTs Coordinating Center

Notice Number: NOT-HS-07-025

Key Dates
Release Date: October 23, 2006

Issued by
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

On September 28, 2006, AHRQ published RFA-HS-07-004 (CERTs Research Centers Funding Opportunity Announcement, see and RFA-HS-07-008 (CERTs Coordinating Center Funding Opportunity Announcement, see  With this Notice, AHRQ announces a technical assistance conference call for potential applicants to these FOAs.  AHRQ encourages potential applicants for  these  CERTs FOAs to participate in a technical assistance conference call sponsored by AHRQ.  The purpose of the conference call is to provide potential CERTs applicants an opportunity to ask to questions about the preparation of applications in response to RFA-HS-07-004 and RFA-HS-07-008, as well as the CERTS program addendum (see  ). The conference call will take place on November 9, 2006 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern time.   
The conference call is open to any individual or organization intending to apply. Participation is not a prerequisite to applying.  To ensure a sufficient number of phone lines, participants must pre-register by 5:00 pm Eastern time on November 6, 2006 by sending an email to  You will receive a confirmation of your registration, call agenda, and the call-in information by return email. 

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit up to 5 questions in advance by email to by 8:00 AM Eastern time on October 26, 2006.  Questions of a similar topic and nature may be grouped at the sole discretion of AHRQ staff.  Transcripts of the conference call will be made available seven business days after the call.  A copy of the transcript will be emailed to registered call participants and others who request a copy by email via, as well as being placed on the AHRQ web site.

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
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