August 7, 2023
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
The purpose of this Notice is to alert potential applicants to changes in Part I and Part 2 Sections I and IV for RFA-HL-24-010 "The Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network - Core Clinical Centers (UG1 Clinical Trial Optional)". This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was issued on 6/21/2023. Changes to the NOFO are shown in bold italics below.
Part 1. Funding Opportunity Purpose
Currently Reads:
This is an open competition for new applications and/or the renewal of an existing program.
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
This is an open competition for new applications and/or the renewal of a Core Clinical Center or Consortium in the current program.
Section I. Notice of Funding Opportunity Description
Currently Reads:
CCCs should have the infrastructure to evaluate ex vivo manipulated and genetically modified cells and have a catchment area or collaborations in place to enroll participants from minority health and health disparity populations, which include patient populations diverse in age, ethnicity, gender, and geographic area.
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
CCCs should have the infrastructure to evaluate ex vivo manipulated and genetically modified cells and have a catchment area or collaborations in place to enroll participants inclusive of minority health and health disparity populations, as well as representation across age ranges, ethnicities, genders, and regional geographic areas.
Section I. Notice of Funding Opportunity Description
Currently Reads:
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
Section IV. Application and Submission Information, SF424(R&R) Cover
Currently Reads:
Title of the Applicants Project: Applicants must use the naming convention BMT Core - [insert name of Site or Consortium]"
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
Title of the Applicants Project: Applicants must use the naming convention BMT CTN Core - [insert name of Site or Consortium]"
Section IV. Application and Submission Information, SF424(R&R) Other Project Information, 2. Transplant Activity (Transplant Activity) – Required
Currently Reads:
3) Racial Categories, below
a. Non-White
b. White
c. Multiracial, Unknown or Not Reported4) Graft/Donor Source
a. Autologous
b. HLA-identical siblings
c. Haplo-identical donors (and mismatched related)
d. Unrelated donors
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
3) Racial and Ethnic Categories, below
a. American Indian/Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
d. Black or African American
e. White
f. More than one Race
g. Race Unknown or Not Reported
h. Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
i. Non-Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
k. Unknown or Not Reported Ethnicity
Section IV. Application and Submission Information, PHS 398 Research Plan
Currently Reads:
Describe challenges, successes and lessons learned from up to three HCT trials/studies in each of the 4 categories in the bullets below:
Modified to Read (in bold italics):
Describe challenges, successes and lessons learned from up to three HCT trials/studies, for example:
All other aspects of this NOFO remain unchanged.
Nancy L. DiFronzo, PhD
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0065
Email: [email protected]
Lori A. Henderson, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-5930
Email: [email protected]