Notice Number: NOT-HL-17-519
Key Dates
Release Date: June 14, 2017 (Rescinded - March 23, 2018)
Issued by
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
This Notice is to clarify the NHLBI policy regarding the submission of applications that have a phase II and beyond clinical trial as the central purpose (see the NIH definition of a clinical trial):
NOTE: NHLBI will continue to accept early phase clinical trial applications with a primary intent of exploring hypotheses related to biologic and pathobiologic mechanisms of health and/or disease submitted to the NIH Parent R01 (PA-16-160).
Investigators are encouraged to submit an application to NHLBI FOAs purposely designed for phase II and beyond clinical trials:
NHLBI Multi-Site Phase II and Beyond Clinical Trials
An investigator submitting a Phase II and beyond clinical trial proposing to include more than one site for the purposes of recruitment should apply under two specific FOAs or their reissuances:
NHLBI Single-Site Phase II and Beyond Clinical Trials
An investigator submitting a Phase II and beyond clinical trial using a single site for the purposes of recruitment should apply to PAR-16-405.
Note that PAR-16-300/PAR-16-301 and PAR-16-405 are meant for applications with the primary intent of conducting clinical trial(s) for testing the efficacy, safety, clinical management, or implementation of intervention(s).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available at these sites:
FAQs - NHLBI Multi-Site Clinical Trials - NHLBI Single-Site Clinical Trials
Information on NHLBI Research Support Mechanisms for Clinical Trials is available at:
NHLBI Research Support Mechanisms Guidelines and Descriptions. Investigators are strongly encouraged to consult with NHLBI scientific staff for further guidance prior to submitting an application for a clinical trial to determine which FOA will best support the proposed research.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Director, Office of Scientific Review
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0270
Email: [email protected]