Notice Number: NOT-HL-15-298
Key Dates
Release Date: February 26, 2016
Issued by
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
On June 30, 2015, the NHLBI issued Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) RFA-HL-16-020 “Limited Competition: Small Grant Program for NHLBI K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03)". This Notice provides details for applicants regarding eligibility requirements and letters of support. Applicants are also advised to address all additional instructions including submission of the Summary of Funded K01, K08, or K23 Award. The following sections of the FOA are revised accordingly:
Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Current Language
The NHLBI encourages every K01/K08/K23 recipient to apply for R01, or equivalent, grant support during the course of their career awards. According to NIH policy, K awardees may now receive concurrent salary support from an NIH career development award and a research grant under certain circumstances ( However, any K01/K08/K23 recipient who receives an R01, or equivalent, grant will no longer be eligible to receive an R03 under this R03 program. The definition of 'equivalent' R01 grant is included in NOT-OD-08-065.
Revised Language
The NHLBI encourages every K01/K08/K23 recipient to apply for R01, or equivalent, grant support during the course of their career awards. According to NIH policy, K awardees may now receive concurrent salary support from an NIH career development award and a research grant under certain circumstances ( However, any K01/K08/K23 recipient who has previously competed successfully for a substantial NIH independent research award will no longer be eligible to receive an R03 under this R03 program. The definition of substantial NIH independent research award is included in Definition of New Investigator. Section III. Eligibility Information
Current Language
Only the following NHLBI K awardees are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity:
1) Current NHLBI-supported K01, K08, or K23 awardees - Applicants are encouraged to apply for this R03 such that funding would be aligned with the final two years of their K award. Currently active K Awardees should have at least one year remaining on their career development award at the intended start date of the R03. The award for the second year of the R03 does not require concurrent K-support.
2) Recently completed K01, K08, or K23 awardees - defined as such if the earliest possible R03 start date falls within 2 years of their prior NHLBI K award Project Period end date.
K01, K08, or K awardees who have already successfully competed for an R01, or equivalent, grant are ineligible. See NOT-OD-08-065 for the definition of 'equivalent' R01 grant.
Revised Language
Only the following NHLBI K awardees are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity:
1) Current NHLBI-supported K01, K08, or K23 awardees - Applicants who are within the last 2 years of their K award are eligible to apply for this R03. The award for the second year of the R03 does not require concurrent K-support.
2) Recently completed K01, K08, or K23 awardees - defined as such if their NHLBI K award project end date is prior to the intended start date of the R03. The earliest possible R03 start date must fall within 2 years of the applicant’s prior NHLBI K award project period end date.
K01, K08, or K awardees who have already successfully competed for an R01, or other substantial independent NIH research grant are ineligible. See Definition of New Investigatorfor the definition of “substantial NIH independent research award”.
Letters of Support:
Current Language
The following should be submitted as a single Letters of Support attachment:
Mentor(s)' Letter of Support (only required for current NHLBI K01, K08, and K23 awardees). A letter from the applicant's current K award mentor must be included. If there is more than one mentor, a single counter-signed letter is sufficient. It should address: the applicant's potential for a future, independent research career and the nature of the mentors(s)' continuing relationship with the applicant. Applications from recently completed NHLBI K01, K08, and K23 awardees do not require a letter of support from their previous mentor(s).
Department/Division Head Letter of Support. A letter from the applicant's Department/Division Head must be included. It should address: the applicant's potential for a future, independent research career.
Institutional Commitment to Applicant Letter of Support. A letter stating the Institution's commitment to the candidate must be included. The Institutional Commitment letter should include the following:
Revised Language
Separate letters are required to address each of the following: Mentor(s)’ letter (only required for current NHLBI K01, K08, and K23 awardees), Department/Division letter, and Institutional Commitment letter. The separate letters must be consolidated and submitted as a single attachment.
Mentor(s)' Letter of Support (only required for current NHLBI K01, K08, and K23 awardees). A letter from the applicant's current K award mentor must be included. If there is more than one mentor, a single counter-signed letter is sufficient. It should address: the applicant's potential for a future, independent research career and the nature of the mentors(s)' continuing relationship with the applicant. Applications from recently completed NHLBI K01, K08, and K23 awardees do not require a letter of support from their previous mentor(s).
Department/Division Head Letter of Support. A letter from the applicant's Department/Division Head must be included. It should address: the applicant's potential for a future, independent research career.
Institutional Commitment to Applicant Letter of Support. A letter stating the Institution's commitment to the candidate must be included. The Institutional Commitment letter should include the following:
All other aspects of this FOA remain the same.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Helena O. Mishoe, PhD, MPH
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-451-5081
Email: [email protected]
Lisbeth Welniak, PhD
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0065
Email: [email protected]