Notice of Change in Eligibility of Foreign Institutions for RFA-HL-12-037, Mechanistic Pathways Linking Psychosocial Stress and Behavior (R01)

Notice Number: NOT-HL-12-168

Key Dates
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Issued by
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (


The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute is expanding institutional eligibility for RFA-HL-12-037, “Mechanistic pathways linking psychosocial stress and behavior (R01)” to include Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions), Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations, and Foreign Components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. These Foreign Institutions are now eligible to apply to RFA-HL-12-037 as indicated below. 

Foreign Institutions
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are not eligible to apply.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are not allowed.

Foreign Institutions
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are eligible to apply.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are allowed.

All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Catherine M. Stoney, Ph.D.
Division of Cardiovascular Sciences
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Suite 10018, MSC 7936
Bethesda, MD 20892-7936
Telephone: (301) 435-6670
FAX: (301) 443-0945
Email: [email protected]