January 4, 2021
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
The purpose of this Notice is to announce that the NIH is collaborating on the multi-agency funding opportunity, Enabling Discovery through Genomics (EDGE) (NSF-21-546).
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will participate in the EDGE initiative led by the National Science Foundation (NSF). EDGE has two tracks: 1) The Functional Genomic Tools Track (FGT) supports the development of innovative tools, technologies, resources, and infrastructure that advance biological research focused on the identification of the causal mechanisms connecting genes and phenotypes; and 2) the Complex Multigenic Traits Track (CMT) supports functional genomic research that addresses the mechanistic basis of complex traits in diverse organisms within the context (environmental, developmental, social, and/or genomic) in which they function. The NHGRI will consider applications under either the FGT of CMT track that are relevant to the NHGRI mission to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs that improve human health.
Detailed information about this program can be obtained on the NSF website: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21546/nsf21546.htm.
NIH Partner Interests
National Human Genome Research Institute
NHGRI supports the development of resources, approaches, and technologies that will accelerate genomic research on the structure of genomes, the biology of genomes, and the biology of disease; that will use genomics to advance the science of medicine; and that will incorporate genomics to improve the effectiveness of healthcare. NHGRI also supports genomic research in several cross-cutting areas, including the ethical, legal and societal implications of genomics and genetics research, bioinformatics, technology development, and research training and career development.
In general, NHGRI supports studies that provide generalizable methods and knowledge about genomics in relation to human health. This includes research on model organisms relevant to human health and disease. NHGRI will consider EDGE applications that can demonstrate utility or relevance to human health or disease, provided they also focus on the development of methods or novel applications that demonstrate approaches that are generalizable beyond single-gene, single-trait, or single-disease relevant phenotypes.
The NHGRI will consider both FGT and CMT applications.
Application Preparation and Submission Instructions
The first deadline for submission of applications to NSF in response to the EDGE Program is March 16, 2021. In subsequent years, the deadlines are February 17, 2022 and then the third Thursday in February annually thereafter.
Subsequent to the NSF review, eligible applicants whose research is appropriate for NHGRI and has receive highly meritorious scores will be provided with instructions on how to submit their applications to NIH for funding considerations and must comply with all NIH policies for human subject and animal research.
Applications must be submitted to the NSF in accordance with NSF-21-546 and not to the NIH. The scientific review of the EDGE applications will be a jointly-conducted initial peer review organized by NSF. Meritorious applications may be recommended for funding by either NSF or NIH, at the option of the participating agencies. For those applications that are selected for funding by participating NIH Institutes and Centers, the PD/PI will be invited to submit the application in an NIH-approved format directly to the Center for Scientific Review (http://www.csr.nih.gov/) of the NIH for further processing. Subsequent submission and grant administration procedures will be in accordance with NIH policy.
Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH or NSF program officials prior to submitting an application.
The EDGE Program initiative expires on March 1, 2024.
Award Information
It is anticipated that the EDGE program will issue approximately ten awards (through all EDGE partners combined) in Fiscal Year 2021 for projects to begin in the summer or fall of 2021, subject to the availability of funds. The award duration is no more than four years for NSF and NIH awards. The maximum NSF award is $2 million over the duration of the award, including indirect costs. The NIH awards must be less than $500,000 in direct cost per year; full indirect costs will be paid.
Jennifer Troyer, Ph.D.
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
Telephone: 301-312-3276
Email: Jennifer.Troyer@nih.gov