Notice Number: NOT-HG-14-019
Key Dates
Release Date: February 3, 2014
Issued by
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) announces its participation in the Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08) (PA-14-046), with a focus on genomic medicine.
In February 2011, NHGRI published: Charting a course for genomic medicine from base pairs to bedside. The paper was an all-encompassing document for the field of genomics. Based on this document, NHGRI has redefined the goals for its research and training and career development programs.
Through a series of advisory panels and workshops (2012 Report, 2012 Video Presentation, April 2013 Report, September 2013 Report and Video Presentation), NHGRI has identified three main goals for its training and career development programs:
1. Expand the number of individuals with a knowledge base in genomic medicine;
2. Continue to support individual development of investigators working in the foundational sciences, with emphasis on acquiring strong quantitative skills; and
3. Develop leaders of research in genomic medicine and genome sciences.
Other overarching principles, recurring themes and recommendations are detailed in the reports. The reports specifically recommended that NHGRI’s career development program include a new career development award focused in genomic medicine.
Objectives of the Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award in Genomic Medicine
The program objective is to develop research leaders in genomic medicine by providing a mentored research experience to those who plan to transition their research efforts to genomic medicine. The program is open to those with MD degrees or their equivalents and those with a Ph.D. who are currently working in a clinical area or who wish to transition their research efforts into genomic medicine.
The mentoring program should ensure that the awardee will develop a knowledge base and skill sets in an additional scientific area that may include: 1) clinical medicine and the application of genomics; 2) quantitative sciences (includes mathematics, statistics); and 3) informatics (bioinformatics and computational biology). The focus must be on developing a comprehensive research training experience in genomics. The application should provide a detailed description of: (1) the didactic plan and (2) the research plan.
The key elements of a responsive application might include:
The salary for K awards is capped at Executive Level II (FY2015 published amount) plus fringe benefits per year. The salary must be commensurate with the applicant institution's salary structure for persons of equivalent qualifications, experience, and rank. Up to $40,000 per year may be requested for research support, if justified. Awardees and their mentors are required to attend one annual networking meeting in the DC Metropolitan Area. Travel for the mentor as well as for the candidate may be requested. See more at:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Scientific/Research Contacts:
Heather A. Junkins, M.S.
Training Program Director
Tina Gatlin, Ph.D.
Training Program Director
Financial/Grants Management Contact:
Susan Toy
Senior Grants Management Specialist
National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH
Telephone: 301-496-7531