Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:
Related FOAs
Release Date: December 21, 2010
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has published the five Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) listed above. An Information Session for these FOAs will be held on January 28, 2011, 12-4 PM Eastern Time. The Session will be conducted as a teleconference and webinar. No provisions will be made for in-person attendance. During the Session, NHGRI staff will present an overview of these FOAs and answer questions from prospective applicants. The Session is open to all prospective applicants, but participation is not a prerequisite to applying.
Prospective applicants who plan to participate in the Session should send an e-mail expressing their interest as soon as possible to NHGRI at nhgrirfaquestions@mail.nih.gov in order to receive logistical information about the Session, including log-in numbers, which will be provided no later than January 17, 2011. In the Subject line of the e-mail request, please write: Information Session . The email message should contain:
E-mail address,
Number of telephone lines that your group plans to use for the teleconference.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit their questions about the FOAs to nhgrirfaquestions@mail.nih.gov before January 28, 2011. NHGRI staff will post the first set of representative questions, and answers to those questions at http://www.genome.gov/pages/extranets/nhgrisequencingelsifoasfaq/, at least one week before the Session. Prospective applicants may ask additional questions during the Session, and NHGRI staff will respond to those questions. Following the Session on January 28, NHGRI will post a summary of questions and answers at the same URL. Prospective applicants with inquiries concerning these FOAs who are unable to participate in the Session are encouraged to view the summary of questions and answers after the Session. For any additional questions that are not addressed in the summary, please contact the program contacts listed in the FOAs for which you plan to apply.
Please send all inquiries about this Notice to NHGRI at