Notice of Intent to Publish: Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative (SBIR/STTR) Program Announcement (PA-05-167)

Notice Number: NOT-HG-05-008

Key Dates
Release Date: September 30, 2005

Issued by
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), (

The NIH plans to issue Program Announcements to renew the Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative for SBIR and STTR grants (previously issued as PA-02-125). The new Program Announcements have been published. The URLs are: STTR (PA-06-008) and SBIR (PA-06-009). The next receipt date for these grant applications will be December 1, 2005. A new electronic grant application form will be required for SBIR and STTR grants received on December 1 and thereafter (see The PA will be published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts as soon as the web pages to receive such grants applications has been activated. Potential applicants and applicant institutions should also be aware of the need to register to use that grant application submission web site (please see

The Program Announcement (PA), to be issued as an initiative of the trans-NIH Bioengineering Consortium (BECON) on behalf of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers, invites grant applications for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) projects on nanotechnologies useful to biomedicine. Nanotechnology is defined as the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter at the scale of 1 to 100 nanometers, and the exploitation of novel properties and phenomena at the same scale. Nanotechnology is emerging as a field critical for enabling essential breakthroughs that may have tremendous potential for affecting biomedicine. Moreover, nanotechnologies developed in the next several years may well form the foundation of significant commercial platforms that shift the paradigms of clinical applications.

The duration and amounts of individual grants awarded under this PA may be greater than those routinely allowed under the SBIR and STTR programs. Few small businesses possess the highly specialized resources needed for nanoengineering. Therefore, this PA encourages team approaches to research in the belief that a synergistic blend of expertise and resources may be needed to allow for strong partnerships between the small businesses and other entities. Applications are encouraged from teams of investigators from commercial, academic and other sectors of the research community. Partners to the small businesses may play important roles in these projects and may receive appropriate support for their efforts. In addition to requiring collaboration from various sectors, it is expected that this initiative will require expertise from a variety of disciplines, including engineering, chemistry, physics, material science, engineering, and biology.

For information about this Notice, contact:

Jeffery A. Schloss, Ph.D.
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
Phone: 301-496-7531
FAX: 301-480-2770

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