Notice Providing Additional Information for Applicants to PAR-17-005 "In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01)"

Notice Number: NOT-HD-16-032

Key Dates
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)


The purpose of this Notice is to provide additional information for applicants interested in responding to PAR-17-005 "In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01)", which encourages R01 applications to phenotype and/or perform research on embryonic lethal knockout (KO) mouse strains being generated through the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the NIH Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2) is a member.

Potential applicants may get information from the IMPC website on the status of the KO mouse pipeline, the phenotyping protocols, and the availability of embryonic lethal, subviable or perinatal lethal strains at They also may browse the gene list and register to receive gene status updates.

In developing R01 applications in response to this FOA, access to mouse strains as well as potential collaborations may be discussed with the three NIH-funded KOMP2 Phenotyping Centers that are identifying and generating the embryonic lethal, subviable or perinatal mouse strains:

The Baylor College of Medicine and the Medical Research Council at Harwell, UK, Consortium
Contact: Mary Dickinson at

The DTCC Consortium (University of California, Davis; Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics; Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute; and, Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.)
Contact: Kent Lloyd at

The Jackson Laboratory
Contact: Steve Murray at

As a reminder to applicants and as stated in the FOA, an important aspect of this research using IMPC embryonic lethal, subviable or perinatal lethal mouse lines will be the integration of phenotypic data into the exiting database supported by the IMPC. It is strongly suggested that investigators submitting R01 applications to this FOA develop a data management and data sharing strategy in consultation with the IMPC Data Coordinating Center led by the KOMP2 Mouse Phenotyping Informatics Infrastructure (MPI2) Consortium (the European Bioinformatics Institute, the Medical Research Council at Harwell, and the Queen Mary University of London). Funds associated with data management and data deposition may be requested with appropriate justification.

Data Coordinating Center
Contact: Ann-Marie Mallon at

For all email correspondence with these contact individuals, please use “NIH KOMP2 PAR-17-005” as the subject line of your email.

All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Lorette C. Javois, Ph.D.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Telephone: 301-435-6890