Notice Number: NOT-HD-09-003
Key Dates
Release Date: November 11, 2008
Issued by
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (
The Pediatric Critical Care and Rehabilitation Research Program, NCMRR, NICHD, NIH will host a public, pre-application meeting for investigators planning to submit applications in response to the Request for Applications (RFA) HD-08-025, entitled “Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (U10) ( or RFA HD-08-027, entitled “Data Coordinating Center for the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (U01)” ( The FOA for the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) serves to initiate/continue a network of academic centers to perform clinical trials and pertinent descriptive and translational research for children who are critically ill. The network is designed to investigate the safety and efficacy of treatment and management strategies to care for critically ill children, as well as to address the pathophysiological bases of critical illness and injury in childhood. This network promotes the efficient development and comparison of novel critical care treatment methods and management strategies of potential benefit for children who are critically ill and /or injured.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide prospective applicants with an overview presentation on the above mentioned CPCCRN FOAs, followed by an exchange of questions and answers pertinent to preparing applications in response to these FOAs with representatives of the PCCR program. Specifically, the meeting is meant to (1) familiarize potential applicants with established NIH guidelines and criteria for review, (2) discuss the areas of NICHD programmatic emphasis, and (3) facilitate the submission of a well-organized application. This opportunity is not intended to replace more detailed discussions that applicants may wish to have with the IC program staff. Submission of specific questions prior to the meeting is both invited and highly encouraged. Questions should be submitted via email at least one week in advance of the meeting to Tammara Jenkins ([email protected]). The meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST, at the Neuroscience Building, Conference Room C, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD, 20852.
Participation in the meeting, although encouraged, is optional and not required for application submission. There is no registration or fee requirement for this public pre-application meeting, but space is limited. We highly encourage investigators who may attend the meeting in person to provide us in advance (preferably by email) with their names and other appropriate contact information including their current e-mail address.
Questions prior to the meeting are invited and can be submitted to [email protected]. Individuals with disabilities or needing sign language interpreters for reasonable accommodation to participate in this event should notify Tammara Jenkins (see contact information under “Inquiries” below). Requests should be made in advance of the event.
Additional pre-application meeting information can be found by visiting the PedsCCM: The Pediatric Critical Care Website at
Direct inquiries regarding this notice to:
Tammara L. Jenkins, MSN, RN, CCRN
Nurse Consultant, Pediatric Critical Care & Rehabilitation Research Program
Research Coordinator, National Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development
National Institutes of Health
6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 2A03
Bethesda, MD 20892*
* For courier or FedEx, replace with Rockville, MD 20852
Office: 301-435-6837
Fax: 301-402-0832
Email: [email protected]
Additional information, including meeting logistics, is available on the NICHD pre-application meeting webpage