June 10, 2024
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
The purpose of this Notice is to increase the maximum budget that can be requested in PAR-23-145 “Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators (ESI) (R35 - Clinical Trial Optional", effective for applications submitted to the October 3, 2024 due date and beyond. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is updated accordingly.
The NOFO currently reads:
Award Budget Applications may request up to $250,000 direct costs per year.
The NOFO is modified to read (changes noted in bold italics):
Award Budget Applications may request up to $275,000 direct costs per year.
Instructions of the NOFO, as modified in NOT-GM-24-031, currently read:
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Itemized budget information is not required and will not be accepted. Instead, a total requested direct cost amount for each budget period, including requests for equipment purchase, is required. Applications may request up to $250,000 direct costs per year including equipment and consortium direct costs. It is expected that the annual Total Direct Costs in Section G will remain constant in all years.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed except as detailed below. While a 10-year R&R Detailed Budget form is provided in the application package, applicants may not request more than 5 years of support.
In order to allow submission of a budget request without filling out detailed yearly budgets, some basic information must be completed in order for NIH to successfully process the budget form. For each budget period:
1. For Budget Type select Project. A separate budget form for any Subaward/Consortium is not required for this NOFO.
2. Provide the Budget Period Start Date and End Date.
3. In Section A: Senior/Key Persons, provide an entry for the PD/PI, including the appropriate level of effort, and enter $0 for Requested Salary and $0 for Fringe Benefits. Entering $0 does not imply that the PD/PI will not receive any salary or fringe benefit support from the grant.
4. In Section C: Equipment Description, enter budget request for equipment. Provide complete justification using the Budget Justification.
5. In Section F: Other Direct Costs, add a line item titled Requested Direct Costs and provide the total request for that budget period (up to $250,000) including any costs requested for Data Management and Sharing Costs. If equipment is requested in Section C, do not add the equipment budget in Section F. If subaward/consortium costs are requested, the subaward/consortium direct costs (not including consortium F&A) should be included in the “Requested Direct Costs." It is expected that ‘Requested Direct Costs’ (entered in Section F) will remain constant in all years unless equipment is requested in Section C.
6. In Section H: Indirect Costs, enter your institutional "indirect cost type," "indirect cost rate," "indirect cost base" and “funds requested.”
Instructions of the NOFO and NOT-GM-24-031 are modified to read (changes noted in bold italics):
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Itemized budget information is not required and will not be accepted. Instead, a total requested direct cost amount for each budget period, including requests for equipment purchase, is required. Applications may request up to $275,000 direct costs per year including equipment and consortium direct costs. It is expected that the annual Total Direct Costs in Section G will remain constant in all years.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed except as detailed below. While a 10-year R&R Detailed Budget form is provided in the application package, applicants may not request more than 5 years of support.
In order to allow submission of a budget request without filling out detailed yearly budgets, some basic information must be completed in order for NIH to successfully process the budget form. For each budget period:
1. For Budget Type select Project. A separate budget form for any Subaward/Consortium is not required for this NOFO.
2. Provide the Budget Period Start Date and End Date.
3. In Section A: Senior/Key Persons, provide an entry for the PD/PI, including the appropriate level of effort, and enter $0 for Requested Salary and $0 for Fringe Benefits. Entering $0 does not imply that the PD/PI will not receive any salary or fringe benefit support from the grant.
4. In Section C: Equipment Description, enter budget request for equipment. Provide complete justification using the Budget Justification.
5. In Section F: Other Direct Costs, add a line item titled Requested Direct Costs and provide the total request for that budget period (up to $275,000) including any costs requested for Data Management and Sharing Costs. If equipment is requested in Section C, do not add the equipment budget in Section F. If subaward/consortium costs are requested, the subaward/consortium direct costs (not including consortium F&A) should be included in the “Requested Direct Costs." It is expected that “Requested Direct Cost” (entered in Section F) will remain constant in all years unless equipment is requested in Section C.
6. In Section H: Indirect Costs, enter your institutional "indirect cost type," "indirect cost rate," "indirect cost base" and "funds requested."
All other aspects of this NOFO and Notice NOT-GM-24-031 remain the same.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Lisa Moeller
Team Leader, Grants Administration Branch
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Email: moellerl@mail.nih.gov