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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for Equipment Purchases for NIGMS R01, R35, and R37 Awardees
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:

February 26

First Available Due Date:
April 08, 2021
Expiration Date:
April 09, 2021

Related Announcements

PA-20-272 - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)

Issued by

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)


The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) announces the availability of funds for Administrative Supplements to NIGMS-funded R01, R35, and R37 awards. These funds are intended for the purchase of single equipment systems with requested direct costs up to $250,000, since equipment in this price range is often difficult to purchase under the parent grant.

Two NIGMS grantees at the same institution with similar equipment needs are encouraged to submit separate requests (with a combined budget of no more than $250,000 direct costs) that cross-reference each other, according to the instructions for the budget justification below. It is expected that the amount of funds requested for such joint purchases will reflect the actual proportion of the time that the shared equipment would be used by each PD/PI. Requests that cross-reference more than two NIGMS grants will not be considered for funding.

Requests will be prioritized based on the need for the equipment to conduct the research supported by the parent grant.

Application and Submission Information

Applications for this initiative must be submitted to PA-20-272-"Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)" or its subsequent reissuance. Use the research application package labeled “FORMS-F-ADMINSUPP-RESEARCH.”

All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-20-272 must be followed, with the following additions:

  • Application Due Date(s) – April 8, 2021, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
  • Only electronic submissions will be accepted for this funding opportunity. Use one of the methods described in PA-20-272. Paper submissions and applications submitted as email attachments will be rejected without review.
  • For funding consideration, applicants must include “NOT-GM-21-030” (without quotation marks) in the Agency Routing Identifier field (box 4B) of the SF424 R&R form. Applications without this information in box 4B will not be considered for this initiative.
  • Requests may be for one year of support only.
  • Requests can be for no more than $250,000 in direct costs. However, the requested supplemental budget cannot exceed the total annual direct cost amount of the parent award.
  • The parent award(s) must be active when the supplemental application is submitted (e.g. within the originally reviewed and approved project period), regardless of the time remaining on the current project.
  • Instructions for the Budget Justification
    • Two NIGMS grantees at the same institution with similar equipment needs are encouraged to submit separate requests (with a combined budget of no more than $250,000 direct costs) that cross-reference each other.
      • If two NIGMS grantees at the same institution are jointly submitting a request for equipment, list the name, grant number, and percent use of each grantee at the top of the Budget Justification.
      • It is expected that the amount of funds requested for such joint purchases will reflect the actual proportion of the time that the shared equipment would be used by each PD/PI.
    • Include a brief statement regarding currently available unobligated grant funds, as well as expenditure plans in order to demonstrate the need for additional funds.
    • If the entire purchase price of the equipment item is being requested, provide justification that the cost amount is reasonable and allocable to the grant project. If a partial amount of the purchase price is being requested, explain how the balance of funds will be provided from institutional or other sources, including a supplement to another NIGMS grant at the PD/PI's institution.
    • Include price quotes or other documentation for the requested equipment.
  • The Research Strategy section of the application is limited to 2 pages. This section should include a summary or abstract of the funded parent award and should present the scientific justification for the requested equipment.
  • NIGMS encourages requests that reflect institutional commitment. Institutional commitment will be taken into consideration when making funding decisions.

Eligible investigators are strongly encouraged to discuss potential requests with their Program Officer before submitting applications.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Please direct inquiries to the NIGMS Program Officer assigned to the parent grant of the supplement request.

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