Notice Number: NOT-GM-17-004
Key Dates
Release Date: March 17, 2017
Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
The purpose of this Notice is to correct the instructions for an attachment required in the application. As clarified below, the "Institutional Information and Research Enhancement Plan" attachment consists of two sections: A. Institutional Information and B. PD/PI's Research Enhancement Objectives and Plan.
Part 2. Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission
Current Language:
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Other Attachments: The application must include a single attachment titled "Institutional Information and Research Enhancement Plan".
A) Institutional information must include:
1) Description and evidence of the institution's explicit historical mission to educate students from backgrounds nationally underrepresented in biomedical research, and efforts to provide services to the underserved community.
2) Institutional data. Provide the following numerical information in tabular form:
Demographics of student body in the sciences in the last two academic years, i.e., total, undergraduate (BS/BA) and graduate (MS/PhD) science student enrollment and graduation numbers as well as percentages of the different groups nationally underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research.
3) NIH R01 support (total costs) calculated from data retrieved from NIH RePORTER at for each of the two last fiscal years.
4) Institutional letter certifying from a department chair or dean certifying that the time and effort requested by the PD/PI for the proposed project will be provided. This letter must explain also the institution's commitment to the PD/PI's proposed research development during the duration of the award.
2) PD/PI's Research Enhancement Objectives and Plan:
These objectives and plan must explain in detail how the PD/PI's SC3 and research career enhancement objectives will be achieved as a logical progression from the applicant's past training and track record as a researcher and how SC3 support will allow the PD/PI to increase his/her research productivity. The plan must justify the PD/PI's need for development via the SC3 mechanism and provide an explanation of how the proposed project, the time devoted to it and the participation of domestic collaborators/consultants (if applicable) will help the PD/PI further his/her research competitiveness and significantly improve his/her productivity to allow him/her to compete eventually for other external support. The career enhancement plan must provide also the steps to be followed to achieve the PD/PI's objectives, include specific milestones and a detailed timeline for publications. Applications lacking this information will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
Revised Language:
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Other Attachments: The application must include a single attachment titled "Institutional Information and Research Enhancement Plan".
A) Institutional Information must include:
1) Description and evidence of the institution's explicit historical mission to educate students from backgrounds nationally underrepresented in biomedical research, and efforts to provide services to the underserved community.
2) Institutional data. Provide the following numerical information in tabular form:
3) NIH R01 support (total costs) calculated from data retrieved from NIH RePORTER at for each of the two last fiscal years.
4) Institutional letter certifying from a department chair or dean certifying that the time and effort requested by the PD/PI for the proposed project will be provided. This letter must explain also the institution's commitment to the PD/PI's proposed research development during the duration of the award.
B) PD/PI's Research Enhancement Objectives and Plan:
These objectives and plan must explain in detail how the PD/PI's SC3 and research career enhancement objectives will be achieved as a logical progression from the applicant's past training and track record as a researcher and how SC3 support will allow the PD/PI to increase his/her research productivity. The plan must justify the PD/PI's need for development via the SC3 mechanism and provide an explanation of how the proposed project, the time devoted to it and the participation of domestic collaborators/consultants (if applicable) will help the PD/PI further his/her research competitiveness and significantly improve his/her productivity to allow him/her to compete eventually for other external support. The career enhancement plan must provide also the steps to be followed to achieve the PD/PI's objectives, include specific milestones and a detailed timeline for publications.
Applications lacking this information will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
No other changes are being made to this FOA.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Hinda Zlotnik, Ph.D.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Telephone: 301-594-3900
Email: [email protected]