Notice of Change to Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards for RFA-FD-13-029 "In vitro-In vivo Correlations of Ocular Implants (U01)"

Notice Number: NOT-FD-13-004

Key Dates

Release Date: May 3, 2013

Related Announcements


Issued by

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


This Notice is to inform potential applicants that the FDA is revising RFA-FD-13-029, In vitro-In vivo Correlations of Ocular Implants (U01)," to update the Funds Available and Anticipated Numbers of Awards section of the FOA.

The following modification to this FOA is being made:

Part 2. Full Text of Announcement

Section IV. Application and Submission Information

Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards


The number of awards is contingent upon FDA appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.

FDA/CDER intends to fund up to one (1) award, corresponding to a total of $500,000, for fiscal year 2013.

1 award ($500,000)


The number of awards is contingent upon FDA appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.

FDA/CDER intends to fund up to two (2) awards, not to exceed $500,000 in total costs (direct and indirect) per award for fiscal year 2013.

The second award may be given based on the scientific merit of the proposal.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Jennerfer Torres-Hernandez
Grants Management Specialist
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Office of Acquisition and Grants Services
5630 Fishers Lane Room 1096
Rockville, MD 20857
TEL: 301-827-9607
FAX: 301-827-1044