Notice Number: NOT-EY-19-011
Key Dates
Release Date: March 4, 2019
Issued by
National Eye Institute (NEI)
The NIH announced on December 10, 2018, its intention to fund alternative approaches for modelling developmental process that do not rely on the use of human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions (NOT-OD-19-042). The purpose of this Notice is to announce the availability of administrative supplements to existing NEI awards in order to facilitate the development of alternatives to using human fetal tissue to study eye diseases and disorders and/or develop treatments for them. The NEI is offering additional funds to NEI-supported investigators who are currently using human fetal-derived tissues in order to accelerate the development of alternative models and/or tissue sources such as those derived from human adult pluripotent stem cells. Validation methods, including cell-based assays and artificial intelligence approaches, may also be considered.
Scope of Support
The research proposed in the administrative supplement must be within the scope of the active parent award, focus on generating alternatives to using human fetal tissue that are not proposed in the parent grant, and is likely to lead to progress in developing alternative methodology and/or ocular tissue sources including but not limited to RPE, retina, lens, and cornea.
How to apply
Supplement requests should use PA-18-591 Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements to apply. It is highly recommended that you contact the program official listed below prior to submitting an application.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Lisa A. Neuhold, Ph.D.
National Eye Institute (NEI)
Telephone: 301-451-2020