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Notice Announcing NIEHS Use of PA-18-935 "Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional)" for Hurricanes Florence and Michael Research Response

Notice Number: NOT-ES-19-003

Key Dates
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Related Announcements


Issued by
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)


The purpose of this Notice is to highlight NIEHS's interest in accepting Competitive Revisions to existing NIH grants related to exposures and health outcomes as a consequence of Hurricanes Florence and Michael. Applications should be submitted to PA-18-935, Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement Clinical Trial Optional)" using the application forms package with the Competition ID NOT-ES-19-003-FORMS-E".

Requests cannot exceed $250,000 in direct costs per year.

NIEHS is also accepting applications to our "Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21) FOA (see NOT-ES-19-001) and for Administrative Supplements (see NOT-ES-19-002) to support research related to Hurricanes Florence and Michael. The use of the mechanisms described should carefully be considered in the context of the support needed to meet the goals of your research question. You are encouraged to contact your Program Officer for guidance.

Competitive revisions to existing grants awarded by any NIH IC will be accepted by NIEHS if the existing grant is leveraging a study population from Hurricanes Florence and Michael impacted areas.

Applications for all of these mechanisms will only be accepted on the following receipt dates: November 1, 2018, December 3, 2018, and January 2, 2019.
No late applications will be accepted.

The unprecedented and widespread damage caused by Hurricanes Florence and Michael is substantial. Consequently, the potential for exposures to biological (such as mold, biotoxins from harmful algal blooms, untreated waste from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)) and chemical hazards released from industrial, military or other sites (e.g., coal fly ash, PFAS, VOCs, metals), as well as social stressors (e.g., displacement, social isolation, racial/ethnic and cultural factors) and subsequent effects on human health for first responders, volunteer workers and residents in affected areas are of significant concern. Therefore, this Notice highlights NIEHS' interest in applications focus on questions of public health importance that will provide insights into exposures and/or potential health effects (physical/behavioral) as an aftermath of Hurricanes Florence and Michael.

Human health studies, environmental exposure assessment, high throughput toxicity assessment of chemicals necessary to understand short and/or long-term health effects of chemicals known or suspected to be released into the environment as a consequence of Hurricanes Florence and Michael are topics of interest. Because of the unique nature of these hurricanes, research such as fate and transport and application of promising remediation methods (biological, chemical, and physical) at sites of concern are appropriate. In addition, studies that consider the use of comprehensive approaches to study environmental impacts of the disaster including chemical/biological exposures in combination with social determinants on human health outcomes (physical/behavioral) are sought. It is expected that applications submitted will be conducting research focused on addressing environmental health concerns and that the research conducted will provide information necessary for the rapid translation of the science to protect the health and safety of affected communities. Therefore, applications that propose only creating registries will be considered non-responsive.

Examples of topics of interest include:

  • Human health studies to assess association between potential exposures (i.e., chemical and biological hazards) and health effects on first responders, worker volunteers, and community members. We encourage leveraging existing cohorts or community partnerships.
  • Characterization, identification of sources and quantitation of human exposure to combinations of chemicals and biological hazards through use of personal sensors or biomonitoring using targeted analysis of specific, known chemicals and/or untargeted metabolomic approaches.
  • Characterization of the toxicity of chemical hazards and chemical mixtures known or suspected to be associated with these hurricanes using high throughput cell based/in vitro assays and biological systems (e.g., zebrafish, C. elegans).
  • Characterization of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) events, associated toxin release and impacts on human health associated with dermal contact with toxins, consumption of contaminated seafood or inhalation of aerosolized toxins.
  • Characterization, source identification, and quantitation of chemical hazards in water, soil, sediment and air (both ambient and indoor air quality) using sensors, portable monitors etc., to identify contamination hotspots relevant to human exposure pathways. Use of innovative, novel detection devices practical in disaster response settings (e.g. portable, rapid, ease-of-use, low energy footprint) are highly encouraged.
  • Fate and transport studies to understand the mobilization and movement of chemicals through environmental matrices for the development of models to predict individual exposures in changing locations and environmental conditions relevant to Hurricanes Florence and Michael.
  • Application of innovative cleanup approaches practical for use in disaster response settings (e.g., effective, low cost, easily implemented, low energy footprint) to test feasibility and/or remediation effectiveness at sites contaminated by Hurricanes Florence and Michael to inform mitigation decisions at impacted areas in a time-sensitive manner.


Please direct all inquiries to:

J. Patrick Mastin, PhD
National Institute ofEnvironmental Health Sciences (?NIEHS)
Telephone: 984-287-3285
Email: [email protected]