NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) Will Participate in PA-10-071 NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13/U13) for Applications Relevant to the SRP Mandates
Release Date: February 29, 2012
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Superfund Research Program (SRP) is announcing participation in PA-10-071 "NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13/U13)" effective immediately.
The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 mandates the NIEHS Superfund Research Program to establish a multi-disciplinary research program to develop: (1) advanced techniques for the detection, assessment, and evaluation of the effect on human health of hazardous substances; (2) methods to assess the risks to human health presented by hazardous substances; (3) methods and technologies to detect hazardous substances in the environment; and (4) basic biological, chemical, and physical methods to reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances. By participating in PA-10-017, the SRP broadens the scientific scope of the current NIEHS R13 program to include non-biomedical environmental science topics reflected in the SRP mandates.
Please follow the guidelines and instructions found on the NIEHS Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (R13/U13) webpage: Please indicate in your Letter Requesting Permission (LRP) your intent to be considered as part of the Superfund Research Program conference awards, indicating the relevance of the proposal to the Superfund Research Program and its mandates. For more information about the Superfund Research Program, please visit the SRP website:
Section 311(a)(3) of SARA limits recipients of awards to "accredited institutions of higher education," which are defined in the Higher Education Act, 20 USC (annotated) 3381. Therefore, per legislative Authority, ONLY Higher Education Institutions may apply for SRP awards, including the R13 awards.
The following types of Higher Education Institutions are always encouraged to apply for NIH support as Public or Private Institutions of Higher Education:
Please direct inquiries about relevance of conference topic
to the Superfund Research Program to:
Heather F. Henry, Ph.D.
Program Administrator
Superfund Research Program
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
PO Box 12233 K-304
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Phone: 919-541-5330
Mobile: 919-609-6061
Email: [email protected]
Please submit letter requesting permission (LRP) to submit a
conference application as well as any other inquiries about the application process
Martha I. Barnes
Program Analyst
P.O. Box 12233, Mail Drop K3-13
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
Tel (919) 541-3336
Fax (919) 541-5064
[email protected]