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Notice of Special Interest: Alzheimer’s-focused administrative supplements for NIH/NIDDK grants that are not focused on Alzheimer’s disease
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:


First Available Due Date:
March 06, 2020
Expiration Date:
March 07, 2020

Related Announcements

PA-18-591: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)

NOT-AG-20-008: Notice of Special Interest: Alzheimer’s-focused administrative supplements for NIH grants that are not focused on Alzheimer’s disease

Issued by

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)


NIDDK is inviting applications to expand existing awards that are not currently focused on Alzheimer’s disease and its related dementias (AD/ADRD)—frontotemporal dementia, Lewy body dementia, vascular cognitive impairment with dementia, and multiple etiology dementias—to allow the research to develop such a focus. Active awards with project end dates in FY 2021 or later are eligible. The award may not be in terminal no cost extension or going into no cost extension in FY 2020. In certain circumstances, NIDDK limits no cost extensions in the final non-competing year of an award. For that reason, it is important to NIDDK staff when planning the request.

As administrative supplements, the work proposed needs to be within the scope of the research or training that is already supported. Center awards and resource awards are most likely to be able to justify these supplements as they tend to have a broad content scope. Some research grants will also qualify if the current research is on a related topic (such as cognitive decline in aging; caregiving; the biology of neurodegeneration; genetics; imaging; computational methods; pain perception; or biostatistical tools that have application to research on AD/ADRD). Awardees are expected to seek competing support to continue promising leads from the research supported through the supplement.

Awards that currently focus on research on Alzheimer’s disease or on its related dementias are not eligible for this program. If an investigator is uncertain whether the project does carry an Alzheimer’s focus as defined by NIH, then the investigator may contact the appropriate program officer who can check that status. (For example, the parent award may be focusing on cognitive change due to chemotherapy in cancer patients. Does that research have a current focus on Alzheimer’s or its related dementias? Contact the program officer for the award to check its status.)

All applications must be submitted electronically using a single-project application form package. Please note, that for single and multi-project applications applicants must use the form package with the Competition ID of “FORMS-E-ADMINSUPP-RESEARCH

Application and Submission Information

Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.

  • PA-18-591 - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)

All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-18-591 must be followed, with the following additions:

  • Application Due Date – March 6, 2020, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
  • For funding consideration, applicants must include “NOT-DK-20-009” (without quotation marks) in the Agency Routing Identifier field (box 4B) of the SF424 R&R form. Applications without this information in box 4B will not be considered for this initiative.
  • All applications must be submitted electronically using a single-project application form package. Please note, that for single and multi-project applications applicants must use the form package with the Competition ID of “FORMS-E-ADMINSUPP-RESEARCH. Use one of the methods described in PA-18-591. Paper submissions and applications submitted as attachments will be returned.
  • Requests may be for one year of support only.
  • Individual requests can be no more than $250,000 in direct costs exclusive of Facilities and Administrative costs on subcontracts. Though supplement requests are not limited to one per award, we will consider substantial additional funding to an award as beyond the scope of the funded award.
  • The process for Streamlined Submissions using the eRA Commons cannot be used for this initiative.
  • The Research Strategy section of the application is limited to 6 pages.

    As part of the application, investigators should submit an abstract of the proposed research that shows the relevance to Alzheimer’s disease and/or its related dementias. Place the abstract in the Project Summary/Abstract section of the SF424 (R&R) form. The work may include pilot projects or resource development.

    Eligible NIDDK grantees should email Dr. James Hyde ( with their intention to apply in order to facilitate efficient processing of the request.

Review Process

NIDDK will conduct administrative reviews of applications submitted to eligible NIDDK parent awards. NIA will make funds available for at least 10 awards from each of the participating ICs, provided that sufficient funds are available.

  1. Is the work proposed within the scope of the active award?
  2. Is the work proposed focused on Alzheimer’s disease or its related dementias?
  3. Is the work likely to stimulate additional activity leading to progress on any, or all, of these dementias?


Please direct all inquiries to:

James F. Hyde, Ph.D.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Telephone: 301-594-7692

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