Notice of Change to Center Overview, Biomedical Research Cores, Pilot and Feasibility Program, and the Enrichment Program Instructions to Include Other Attachments for RFA-DK-16-019 "Silvio Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (P30)"

Notice Number: NOT-DK-16-014

Key Dates
Release Date: March 7, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)


The purpose of this Notice is to amend the Research & Related Other Project Information Instructions under the Center Overview, Biomedical Research Cores, Pilot and Feasibility Program, and the Enrichment Program components to include required and optional other attachments for RFA-DK-16-019 "Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (P30)" as shown below:

Part 2. Section IV.2 Instructions for the Submission of Multi-Component Applications

Center Overview

Research & Related Other Project Information (Center Overview)

Additional language is added to describe other attachments that are required or optional:
Other attachments:  The following "Other Attachments" should be included with the Overall Component to aid in the review of applications. The filename provided for each attachment will be the name used for the bookmark in the application image.  All attachments need to be in .pdf format.

Grant Support:  Please title this attachment "Grant Support" and include all Federal and non-federal grant support for Center members.  Complete and organize alphabetically by the last name of the Center Investigator who is listed as the Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) on the grant.  Include Supporting Organization/Grant Numbers, Complete Grant Title, Project Period, Annual Direct Costs, and Identify Other NIDDK Centers (if the grant listed is also included in its research base).  The attachment should include, in order: Current Digestive Diseases Grant Support (Table A.1), Other Digestive Diseases Grant Support (Table A.2) and Pending Digestive Diseases Grant Support (Table A.3). Examples of how Tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 might be formatted are provided for applicant assistance with this requirement (see:  DDRCC Resource page).

Biographical Sketches of Center Research Base Investigators:  Please title this attachment "Center Member Biographical Sketches."  Provide biographical sketches for all Center members, as defined by the Center within the application, and organize them alphabetically by the last name of the Research Base Investigator.  Do not include biographical sketches for Senior/Key Personnel since those are included with the appropriate component of the application and should not be duplicated here. 

Description of Center Research Base Investigators:  Please title this attachment “Description of Center Research Base Investigators” and organize alphabetically by Center Member (last name). Provide a narrative description of no more than one page per research base investigator. These narratives should include: the active grant number(s), title(s), and a few descriptive sentences of the investigator’s research projects, as well as a brief description regarding what aspect of the investigator’s research justifies the use of Center core facilities.  In the description of the research base, include ONLY those grants awarded, or subcontracted, to investigators at the applicant institution or consortium, not to investigators at other locations.  It is particularly important to provide a few sentences indicating the relatedness of a cited grant to digestive disease/liver research, and to the theme of the DDRCC, when this is not readily apparent from the project title of the grant.

Core Use by Center Members: Please title this attachment "Core Use by Center Members" and organize alphabetically by Center Member (last name, first name). List all DDRCC Members including Membership Category (only if more than one category of Membership is designated by the Center), and for each Center Member indicate those Center Core Facilities that will be used. Table B is provided for applicant assistance with this requirement (see: DDRCC Resource page).

For renewal applications:  Provide an additional Table B with the same information for the "Actual Core Use by Center Members".

Center Collaborations: Please title this attachment “Center Collaborations” and organize alphabetically by Center Member (last name, first name). List all Center Members. Provide primary Department Affiliation, key words for research interests, names of other Center members who are collaborators (through publications, grants or research projects), and the number of collaborative publications (only those relevant to the DDRCC).  Table C is provided for applicant assistance with this requirement (see: DDRCC Resource page.)

Optional:  Provide Charts and Tables to illustrate the structure, interactions, and leaders of the institution and the DDRCC. Title this attachment "Relation to Overall Center". 

Part 2. Section IV.2 Instructions for the Submission of Multi-Component Applications

Center Overview

PHS 398 Research Plan (Center Overview)

Research Strategy
Current Language
Presentation of the research base in the application should be done in two ways: (1) by completing a Table itemizing grant funding.  A suggested format for the expected information follows. The rows in this table should be sorted alphabetically by Program Director/Principal Investigator name.  The first column should provide the name of the Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last Name, First Name; ex: Doe, John). For Multiple PD/PI (MPI) applications, the MPD/PI(s) should be listed below the corresponding PI in brackets or parentheses.   Do not list any grant more than once. The second column should list the supporting organization and grant number (ex: NIH/P01DK12345).  If there is no grant number write N/A (ex: DOD N/A). The third column should provide the complete official title of the grant (ex: Mechanisms of Vitamin E Action).  The fourth column should provide the project period (ex: 12/30/2012-8/31/2017.  The fifth column should provide the annual direct costs in US dollars.  Some institutions may have multiple NIDDK-funded centers.  In those cases, a sixth column should be included for identifying grants that utilize multiple centers. In this column, the other NIDDK Center(s) utilized should be specified (ex: NORC, DRC).  An example of this format can be found in "Grant Support"; Table A: (DDRCC Resource page) and (2) by a full narrative description of the digestive diseases research activities at the applicant institution/consortium and any collaborating institutions in the context of the theme(s) of the Center. The research of each DDRCC member should be discussed and interrelationships of research being conducted by the members should be highlighted. Since most, if not all, of the research base will have undergone separate peer review, the quality of the individual funded projects is already established. The more important aspects are: (a) interactions and interrelationships of the research efforts as well as relevance to the theme of the DDRCC; (b) uses and benefits of core services; (c) plans to develop productive collaborations among Center investigator; and (d) willingness of Center investigators to contribute to the overall objectives of the DDRCC.

The language has been revised to remove redundancy with other attachments as follows:
Presentation of the research base in the application should be done in two ways: (1) by completing a Table itemizing grant funding as described in Grant Support in Other Attachments; and (2) by a full narrative description of the digestive diseases research activities at the applicant institution/consortium and any collaborating institutions in the context of the theme(s) of the Center. The research of each DDRCC member should be discussed and interrelationships of research being conducted by the members should be highlighted. Since most, if not all, of the research base will have undergone separate peer review, the quality of the individual funded projects is already established. The more important aspects are: (a) interactions and interrelationships of the research efforts as well as relevance to the theme of the DDRCC; (b) uses and benefits of core services; (c) plans to develop productive collaborations among Center investigator; and (d) willingness of Center investigators to contribute to the overall objectives of the DDRCC.

Part 2. Section IV.2 Instructions for the Submission of Multi-Component Applications

Biomedical Research Cores

Research & Related Other Project Information (Biomedical Research Cores)

Additional language has been added to describe other attachments that are required:
Other Attachments:  The following attachment should be included in the application in PDF format. The filename provided will be the name used for the bookmark in the application image. 

Core Facility Use:  For all applications, please title this attachment "Core Facility Use" and indicate the Core User, Funded Project that supports the Core use, Period of Core Use, Services to be used, and Estimated Use and comments. Table D is provided for applicant assistance with this requirement:  (DDRCC Resource page)

Part 2. Section IV.2 Instructions for the Submission of Multi-Component Applications

Pilot and Feasibility Program

Research & Related Other Project Information (Pilot and Feasibility Program)

Additional language is added to describe other attachments that are required for renewal applications:
Other Attachments:  The following attachment should be included in PDF format. 

Pilot Project Outcomes (for renewal applications only):  Please title this attachment "Pilot Project Outcomes" and list all P and F Projects supported in the most recent 5 or, if applicable, 10-year period.  Include the dates and amount of the award, the title of the project, category of P and F recipient, subsequent funding, and whether the recipient is still involved in GI research.  Table E is provided for applicant assistance with this requirement (see: DDRCC Resource page)

Part 2. Section IV.2 Instructions for the Submission of Multi-Component Applications

Enrichment Program

Research & Related Other Project Information (Enrichment Program)

Additional language is added to describe other attachments that are optional for renewal applications:
Other Attachments (renewal applications only; optional):  Information related to the Center-supported Enrichment Program activities, such as Center retreats, symposia, workshops, meetings, specialized courses, seminar series, etc., illustrating the interactions among Center members and other investigators, as well as other training and educational opportunities may be included in the application.  This should be loaded as a single, combined file in PDF format titled "Enrichment Program".

All other aspects of this Funding Opportunity Announcement remain the same.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Peter J. Perrin, Ph.D.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Telephone: 301-451-3759
Email: [email protected]