Correction to NOT-DK-05-016: Notice of Limited Competition for Competing Applications for the Continuation of the Look AHEAD Study

Notice Number: NOT-DK-05-019

Key Dates
Release Date: October 13, 2005

Issued by
National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), (
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (
Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH), (

The purpose of this correction is to acknowledge the participation of the Office of Research on Women's Health NIDDK (ORWH) in the NIDDK limited competition for competing applications from the currently funded Clinical Centers and Data Coordinating Center for Look AHEAD: Action for Health in Diabetes.

Look AHEAD is a randomized multicenter clinical trial studying long-term health consequences of weight loss interventions on cardiovascular events in overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. The original cooperative agreement awards were made in October, 1999 to fifteen extramural Look AHEAD Clinical Centers and a Data Coordinating Center under RFA-DK-98-019 and DK-98-020. The study design as set forth in the Look AHEAD protocol is planned to continue until FY 2012.

The current grantees have recruited 5145 Look AHEAD participants and successfully conducted the first four years of the intervention and follow-up measurements. They possess the necessary infrastructure, study participants, organization, trained intervention and measurement staff, and leadership to complete the Look AHEAD study.

NIDDK staff will contact the current grantees directly regarding application procedures and format.


Written and telephone inquires concerning this Notice should be directed to:

Barbara Harrison, M.S.
Director, Obesity Special Projects Program
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
6707 Democracy Blvd. , Room 661, MSC 5450
Bethesda , MD 20892-5450 (Please use Zip code 20817 for UPS/FedEx)
Phone: 301-594-8858
FAX: 301-480-8300
Email: [email protected]