Notice of Change to PAR-15-101 "Institutional Training for a Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research Workforce (T90/R90)"

Notice Number: NOT-DE-16-003

Key Dates
Release Date: May 19, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute on Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)


This Notice amends PAR-15-101 'Institutional Training for a Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research Workforce (T90/R90)" instructions effective for due dates on and after September 25, 2016:

  • There are changes to the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan form. The Program Plan attachment has been restructured to include the Background, Program Plan, and Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity under one attachment. Previously, the form allowed for submission of three separate attachments for the Program Plan, Background, and Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity.
  • The research training data table formats have changed to new Data Tables 1-8 (see NOT-OD-16-007).
  • Changes to NIH grant applications policies and instructions for due dates on or after May 25, 2016 are described in (NOT-OD-16-004). These changes are implemented with FORMS-D application forms and instructions. Applicants must use FORMS-D for due dates on or after May 25, 2016. These policies and instructions apply to new, resubmission and renewal applications.

Part 2. Section IV. Application and Submission Information

PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan

Current Language:

Program Plan

Program Administration. Describe the acknowledged strengths, leadership and administrative skills, training experience, scientific expertise, and active research of the PD/PI. Relate these strengths to the proposed management of the training program. Describe the planned strategy and administrative structure to be used to oversee and monitor the program. If there are multiple PDs/PIs, then the plan for Program Administration is expected to synergize with the “Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan” section of the application.

Program Faculty. The application must include information about the program faculty who will be available to serve as preceptors/mentors and provide guidance and expertise appropriate to the level of trainees proposed in the application. Describe the complementary expertise and experiences of the proposed Program Faculty, including active research and other scholarly activities in which the faculty are engaged, as well as experience mentoring and training individuals at the proposed career stage(s). For any proposed Program Faculty lacking research training experience, describe a plan to ensure successful trainee guidance by these individuals. Describe the criteria used to appoint and remove faculty as Program Faculty and to evaluate their participation.

Provide a narrative description of the past research training record of the program faculty including the success of former trainees in establishing productive independent research careers. Evidence of success can include completion of programs and further career advancement of former trainees, such as receipt of fellowships and/or career development awards, further predoctoral, postdoctoral or other training appointments; successful competition for research science positions in industry, academia, government or other research venues and similar accomplishments. Evidence of a productive scientific career can include a record of successful competition for research grants, receipt of honors, awards or patents,  high-impact peer-reviewed publications, promotion to scientific leadership position, and other measures of success that demonstrate scientific excellence and independence.

The application should include plans to provide training or workshops for program faculty on effective research mentoring, to ensure that all mentors in the training program have an opportunity to discuss mentoring challenges and solutions, and ultimately enhance the diversity and success of students who pursue research careers

Proposed Training. Provide an overview of the proposed program. Outline the objectives of the program and the program activities that will be used to meet these objectives. Describe for whom the training program is intended, including the training level(s) of the trainees, the academic and research background needed to pursue the proposed training, and, as appropriate, plans to accommodate differences in preparation among trainees. Include information about planned courses, mentored research experiences, and any activities designed to develop specific technical skills or other skills essential for the proposed research training. Describe how trainees will be educated in the human health- and disease-related aspects of their research training.

The PD/PI should describe program activities intended to develop the working knowledge needed for trainees to select among and prepare for the next step in varied research career options available in the biomedical workforce. For example, programs should provide all trainees with instruction and training in oral and written presentation and in skills needed to apply for individual fellowship or grant support. All postdoctoral trainees should also be provided with instruction in laboratory and project management. Mentoring plans appropriate for the training level(s) of the trainees should be described, including the nature of the supervision and mentoring that will occur during a trainee’s participation in the program.

Proposed DSTP Training Applications that propose DSTP research training positions must provide evidence that the applicant institution is able to provide programs tailored to meet the unique research and clinical development needs of each DSTP trainee, and ensure that the individuals complete the clinical and research programs with requisite competencies in both. Proposed DSTP programs are to include:

  • A description of the institution's dual-degree program. Provide some background on the dual-degree program including general program outcomes, such as the completion rate and the percentage of program graduates who are in academic research positions post-training.
  • The structure of the dual-degree program, and required milestones and their usual timing (e.g., number of courses, any teaching and clinical requirements, and qualifying exams).
  • A timeline for the entire duration of the dual-degree program. On the timeline, indicate the estimated percentage of time that will be devoted to clinical- and research-related activities each year.
  • A description of any clinical tutorials during the graduate research years and any activities to ease transition from the graduate to the clinical years of the dual-degree program.
  • A description of any research-associated activities during the clinical years of the dual-degree program.

For renewal applications, highlight how the training program has evolved in response to changes in relevant scientific and technical knowledge, educational practices, and to evaluation of the training program.     
Program Evaluation. Describe a plan to review and determine the quality and effectiveness of the training program. This plan should include the metrics to be evaluated (including program activities completed, degree completion (if applicable), publications, fellowships/honors, and subsequent positions) as well as plans to obtain feedback from current and former trainees to help identify weaknesses and to provide suggestions for program improvements. Specified evaluation metrics should be tied to the goals of the program.

Procedures for monitoring the progress and subsequent career activities of DSTP trainees should be included in the program evaluation plan.

Trainee Candidates. Describe, in general terms, the size and qualifications of the pool of trainee candidates including information about the types of prior clinical and research training and career level required for the program. Do not name prospective Trainees. Describe specific plans to recruit candidates and explain how these plans will be implemented (see also section on Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity). Describe the nomination and selection process to be used to select candidates who would be offered admission to the program and criteria for trainees’ reappointment to the program.

Institutional Environment and Commitment to the Program.
The sponsoring institution must assure support for the proposed program including assurance that sufficient time will be allowed for the PDs/PIs and other Program Faculty to contribute to the proposed program.  The application must include a signed letter, on institutional letterhead, that describes the applicant institution’s commitment to the planned program. Appropriate institutional commitment to the program includes the provision of adequate staff, facilities, and educational resources that can contribute to the planned program. This commitment may also include features such as PD/PI salary, stipend or tuition support for individuals involved in the proposed training program, or other commitments essential to a successful training program. Institutions with ongoing research training, student development, or career development programs that receive external funding should explain what distinguishes the proposed program from existing ones at the same trainee level, how the programs will synergize, if applicable, whether trainees are expected to transition from one support program to another, and how the training faculty, pool of potential trainees, and resources are sufficiently robust to support the proposed program in addition to existing ones.

Institutions that propose DSTP programs must provide evidence of the institution's ability to establish or successfully implement an integrated training program for dual-degree students, including; coordination among participating clinical, basic, and behavioral science departments within the dental, medical and other graduate schools. Plans and a description of commitment to support DSTP trainees in the event that the DSTP trainee has exceeded NRSA support limits and/or in the event that continued funding from NIDCR is not available must also be included.

Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity

Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity as provided in Chapter 8 of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. 

Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research

Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research as provided in Chapter 8 of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. 

Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan

Multiple PD/PIs should have complementary expertise and the potential to enhance multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research training opportunities. The multiple PD/PI leadership plan should address the selection of the PD/PIs and the role of each in achieving this goal.

Data Tables

Applicant institutions that have not previously been supported by an NIDCR Institutional Training Grant should describe other relevant training programs at the institution, provide evidence of success (dating back no more than ten years), and should complete Data Tables 1-9 and 10 (optional).
Applicant institutions that have been supported by an NIDCR Institutional Training Grant (T90/R90) should complete Data Tables 1-12 (data dating back no more than ten years). Data on the R90 program should be included.

If applicable, Table 12A program statistics should report data for dual degree trainees in addition to predoctoral Ph.D. trainees: 1) the percentage of trainees entering 10 years ago and receiving support from this training grant at some point during graduate school that received D.D.S./D.M.D. and the Ph.D. or equivalent degree AND the percentage of trainees entering 10 years ago and receiving support from this training grant at some point during graduate school that received the Ph.D. or equivalent research doctoral degrees; and 2) the average time to degree(s) for all trainees appointed to this training grant completing D.D.S./D.M.D. and the Ph.D. AND the average time to degree for all trainees appointed to this training grant completing Ph.D.s in the last ten years, calculated to one decimal place (e.g., 5.5 years), excluding any officially-approved leaves of absence.

Letters of Support

Letters of support and commitment from participating clinical, basic, and behavioral science departments within the dental, medical and other graduate schools must be provided.


Do not use the Appendix to circumvent page limits. Follow all instructions for the Appendix as described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.  

 Modified Language to incorporate the Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity into the Program Plan attachment and revise the instructions for Data Tables.

Program Plan

Program Administration. Describe the acknowledged strengths, leadership and administrative skills, training experience, scientific expertise, and active research of the PD/PI. Relate these strengths to the proposed management of the training program. Describe the planned strategy and administrative structure to be used to oversee and monitor the program. If there are multiple PDs/PIs, then the plan for Program Administration is expected to synergize with the “Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan” section of the application.

Program Faculty. The application must include information about the program faculty who will be available to serve as preceptors/mentors and provide guidance and expertise appropriate to the level of trainees proposed in the application. Describe the complementary expertise and experiences of the proposed Program Faculty, including active research and other scholarly activities in which the faculty are engaged, as well as experience mentoring and training individuals at the proposed career stage(s). For any proposed Program Faculty lacking research training experience, describe a plan to ensure successful trainee guidance by these individuals. Describe the criteria used to appoint and remove faculty as Program Faculty and to evaluate their participation.

Provide a narrative description of the past research training record of the program faculty including the success of former trainees in establishing productive independent research careers. Evidence of success can include completion of programs and further career advancement of former trainees, such as receipt of fellowships and/or career development awards, further predoctoral, postdoctoral or other training appointments; successful competition for research science positions in industry, academia, government or other research venues and similar accomplishments. Evidence of a productive scientific career can include a record of successful competition for research grants, receipt of honors, awards or patents,  high-impact peer-reviewed publications, promotion to scientific leadership position, and other measures of success that demonstrate scientific excellence and independence.

The application should include plans to provide training or workshops for program faculty on effective research mentoring, to ensure that all mentors in the training program have an opportunity to discuss mentoring challenges and solutions, and ultimately enhance the diversity and success of students who pursue research careers

Proposed Training. Provide an overview of the proposed program. Outline the objectives of the program and the program activities that will be used to meet these objectives. Describe for whom the training program is intended, including the training level(s) of the trainees, the academic and research background needed to pursue the proposed training, and, as appropriate, plans to accommodate differences in preparation among trainees. Include information about planned courses, mentored research experiences, and any activities designed to develop specific technical skills or other skills essential for the proposed research training. Describe how trainees will be educated in the human health- and disease-related aspects of their research training.

The PD/PI should describe program activities intended to develop the working knowledge needed for trainees to select among and prepare for the next step in varied research career options available in the biomedical workforce. For example, programs should provide all trainees with instruction and training in oral and written presentation and in skills needed to apply for individual fellowship or grant support. All postdoctoral trainees should also be provided with instruction in laboratory and project management. Mentoring plans appropriate for the training level(s) of the trainees should be described, including the nature of the supervision and mentoring that will occur during a trainee’s participation in the program.

Proposed DSTP Training Applications that propose DSTP research training positions must provide evidence that the applicant institution is able to provide programs tailored to meet the unique research and clinical development needs of each DSTP trainee, and ensure that the individuals complete the clinical and research programs with requisite competencies in both. Proposed DSTP programs are to include:

  • A description of the institution's dual-degree program. Provide some background on the dual-degree program including general program outcomes, such as the completion rate and the percentage of program graduates who are in academic research positions post-training.
  • The structure of the dual-degree program, and required milestones and their usual timing (e.g., number of courses, any teaching and clinical requirements, and qualifying exams).
  • A timeline for the entire duration of the dual-degree program. On the timeline, indicate the estimated percentage of time that will be devoted to clinical- and research-related activities each year.
  • A description of any clinical tutorials during the graduate research years and any activities to ease transition from the graduate to the clinical years of the dual-degree program.
  • A description of any research-associated activities during the clinical years of the dual-degree program.

For renewal applications, highlight how the training program has evolved in response to changes in relevant scientific and technical knowledge, educational practices, and to evaluation of the training program.     
Program Evaluation. Describe a plan to review and determine the quality and effectiveness of the training program. This plan should include the metrics to be evaluated (including program activities completed, degree completion (if applicable), publications, fellowships/honors, and subsequent positions) as well as plans to obtain feedback from current and former trainees to help identify weaknesses and to provide suggestions for program improvements. Specified evaluation metrics should be tied to the goals of the program.

Procedures for monitoring the progress and subsequent career activities of DSTP trainees should be included in the program evaluation plan.

Trainee Candidates. Describe, in general terms, the size and qualifications of the pool of trainee candidates including information about the types of prior clinical and research training and career level required for the program. Do not name prospective Trainees. Describe specific plans to recruit candidates and explain how these plans will be implemented (see also section on Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity). Describe the nomination and selection process to be used to select candidates who would be offered admission to the program and criteria for trainees’ reappointment to the program.

Institutional Environment and Commitment to the Program.
The sponsoring institution must assure support for the proposed program including assurance that sufficient time will be allowed for the PDs/PIs and other Program Faculty to contribute to the proposed program.  The application must include a signed letter, on institutional letterhead, that describes the applicant institution’s commitment to the planned program. Appropriate institutional commitment to the program includes the provision of adequate staff, facilities, and educational resources that can contribute to the planned program. This commitment may also include features such as PD/PI salary, stipend or tuition support for individuals involved in the proposed training program, or other commitments essential to a successful training program. Institutions with ongoing research training, student development, or career development programs that receive external funding should explain what distinguishes the proposed program from existing ones at the same trainee level, how the programs will synergize, if applicable, whether trainees are expected to transition from one support program to another, and how the training faculty, pool of potential trainees, and resources are sufficiently robust to support the proposed program in addition to existing ones.

Institutions that propose DSTP programs must provide evidence of the institution's ability to establish or successfully implement an integrated training program for dual-degree students, including; coordination among participating clinical, basic, and behavioral science departments within the dental, medical and other graduate schools. Plans and a description of commitment to support DSTP trainees in the event that the DSTP trainee has exceeded NRSA support limits and/or in the event that continued funding from NIDCR is not available must also be included.

Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity. Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity as provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. 

Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research

Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research as provided in Chapter 8 of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. 

Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan

Multiple PD/PIs should have complementary expertise and the potential to enhance multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research training opportunities. The multiple PD/PI leadership plan should address the selection of the PD/PIs and the role of each in achieving this goal.

Data Tables

Particular attention must be given to the required Training Data Tables for new and renewal applications. The required data tables will differ depending on the type of application (i.e., new versus renewal or revision) and whether the program includes predoctoral training, postdoctoral training, short-term training, or mixed variations on these categories. Read the new category variations carefully and submit the appropriate set of data tables.

In addition, attention should be given to the following instructions:

Table 8A. Program Outcomes: Predoctoral
Part II. Those Clearly Associated with the Training Grant
In Part II, list any current graduate students clearly associated with this grant who have been supported by NIH, including NIDCR NRSA T32 Institutional training grant awards, and other HHS funds but not by this grant, and provide the information described in Part I, items 1-8, above, for each student. “Clearly associated” students are those with a training experience identical to those appointed to this grant, but who are supported by other NIH, NIDCR T32, or HHS awards (e.g., fellowships or research grants).

 Table 8C. Program Outcomes: Postdoctoral
Part II. Those Clearly Associated with the Training Grant
If applicable, list any current postdoctorates clearly associated with the training grant who have been supported by NIH funds including NIDCR NRSA T32 Institutional training grant awards, and provide the information described in Part I, items 1-9, above, for each. “Clearly associated” postdoctorates are those with a training experience identical to those appointed to this training grant, but who are supported by other forms of NIH, NIDCR T32, or HHS funding (e.g., fellowships or research grants). Note that, for some postdoctoral programs, Part II may not be applicable.

Letters of Support

Letters of support and commitment from participating clinical, basic, and behavioral science departments within the dental, medical and other graduate schools must be provided.


Do not use the Appendix to circumvent page limits. Follow all instructions for the Appendix as described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.  

Part 2. Section V. Application Review Information

1. Criteria

Additional Review Considerations

Current language:
Recruitment & Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity
Peer reviewers will separately evaluate the recruitment and retention plan to enhance diversity after the overall score has been determined. Reviewers will examine the strategies to be used in the recruitment and retention of individuals from underrepresented groups. The plan will be rated as ACCEPTABLE or UNACCEPTABLE, and the consensus of the review committee will be included in an administrative note in the summary statement.

Modified language:
Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity
Peer reviewers will separately evaluate the recruitment plan to enhance diversity after the overall score has been determined. Reviewers will examine the strategies to be used in the recruitment of individuals from underrepresented groups. The plan will be rated as ACCEPTABLE or UNACCEPTABLE, and the consensus of the review committee will be included in an administrative note in the summary statement.

All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged


Please direct all inquiries to:

Lynn Mertens King, PhD
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Telephone: 301-594-5006