Notice of Clarification of Eligible Individuals and Application Instructions in PAR-13-348 "NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03)"

Notice Number: NOT-DE-15-003

Key Dates
Release Date: September 9, 2015

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)


The purpose of this Notice is to provide the following clarification to PAR-13-348 "NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03)". NIH defined New Investigators who have previously received funding for one NIDCR Small Grant for New Investigators (R03) grant are eligible to apply for a second NIDCR Small Grant for New Investigators (R03), provided they are still New Investigators. Any PD/PI who has already received funding for two NIDCR Small Grants for New Investigators (R03) is not eligible.

This Notice also reiterates application instructions provided in Section IV.2 PHS 398 Research Plan.

Section III. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants
Eligible Individuals (Program Director/Principal Investigator)

Currently reads:
Only New Investigators who fit the criteria in this section are eligible to apply to this FOA.
In addition, NIDCR is excluding from consideration individuals who have received:

  • NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) support from any NIH Institute or Center
  • More than one Small Grant for New Investigators (R03) funded by NIDCR

Modified to read:
Only New Investigators who fit the criteria in this section are eligible to apply to this FOA.
In addition, NIDCR is excluding from consideration individuals who have received:

  • NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) support from any NIH Institute or Center
  • More than one Small Grant for New Investigators (R03) funded by NIDCR. Current or past recipients of the NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03) who have received funding for one NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03) are eligible to apply, provided they are still New Investigators.

This Notice also reiterates the following application instructions.

PHS 398 Research Plan

All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed, with the following additional instructions:

  • Specific Aims: On the Specific Aims page, a section titled “Future Research Plans” must be included describing how the proposed research project will be used to develop an R01 or equivalent application.
  • Research Strategy: In addition to the description of the Research Strategy for the proposed research, state clearly the future research plans. The conceptual framework for a subsequent application should be described briefly and it should be readily apparent how this R03 research project fits into that framework.
  • Letters of Support: Letters of Support from the institution (preferably from the Dean or Department Chair) are strongly encouraged. The letters should describe the nature of the PD/PI’s appointment, independence, and commitments to the PD/PI, such as laboratory space, office space, available resources, technical assistance, and travel funds. 

No other changes are made to this FOA.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Amanda Melillo Ph.D.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
Telephone: 301-594-9718
Email: [email protected]