Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R01, R03, and R34) Notice: Major Programmatic Priorities

Notice Number: NOT-DA-10-019

Key Dates
Release Date: May 14, 2010

Issued by
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), (

This Notice, Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Development Program, is an addendum to Program Announcements PA-10-011, PA-10-012, and PA-10-013 at,, and published in the NIH Guide, October 14, 2009. The purpose of this addendum is to alert the field to major program priorities relevant to the Behavioral & Integrative Treatment FOAs.

The ultimate goal of these FOAs is to produce more powerful behavioral interventions (individual and group) to treat drug abuse, promote medication adherence, and prevent HIV that take advantage of new knowledge in neuroscience, new technologies and of medications that may improve the effectiveness of behavioral interventions (e.g., improving cognitive function). This Notice underscores the importance of fostering research aimed at boosting intervention effects to produce personally targeted interventions. Specifically, this Notice underscores the high programmatic priority given to research that seeks to achieve these goals in the following ways:

  1. Research to explicate purported mechanism of action of behavioral interventions at multiple levels of analysis. This includes determination of underlying biological and/or neurobiological mechanism (e.g., as measured by imaging methodologies, skin conductance, or other biological/physiological indices) of the interventions associated with the behavioral, cognitive, affective, or social mechanisms of interventions.

  2. Research that uses innovative technologies (web-based interventions, virtual reality, wireless monitoring and biofeedback, imaging tools for biofeedback) to develop and improve on behavioral interventions including the use of imaging methods to predict outcomes from behavioral interventions.

  3. Research that incorporates of genetic/epigenetic methodologies to help understand the variability in outcomes as result of therapeutic interventions.

  4. Research that evaluates the use of medications to improve the efficacy or effectiveness of behavioral interventions.


Please direct inquiries on this notice and on PA-10-011, PA-10-012, and PA-10-013 to:

Lisa Onken, Ph.D.
Chief, Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Branch
Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 4234 MSC 9593
Bethesda, MD 20892-9593
Phone: (301) 443-2235
FAX: (301) 443-6814
Email: [email protected]