NIDA ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTS: TESTING MECHANISMS OF ACTION FOR BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS RELEASE DATE: October 28, 2003 NOTICE: NOT-DA-04-002 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) ( APPLICATION RECEIPT DATE: January 23, 2004 PURPOSE The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announces the availability of funds for administrative supplements to support the addition or expansion of tests of mechanisms of action in NIDA-funded studies of behavioral treatments for substance use disorders (SUDs). This supplement program reflects NIDA’s ongoing commitment to the comprehensive support of clinically-relevant behavioral treatment research, as well as the recommendation of a scientific panel convened in 2003 to help set priorities for such research at NIDA. This panel agreed that major advances have been made in behavioral treatments for drug abuse, and that the knowledge of the causal mechanisms of those treatments could advance the field even further. Supplements are intended to make maximum use of data being collected in drug abuse treatment populations in order to understand better the casual mechanisms of treatment. Supplements may be requested to include (or expand on already-included) measures of therapy process or potential mediators; to fund the audiotaping or videotaping of therapy sessions or assessment activities; to rate or code therapy session or assessment data; and/or to develop and test process measures or coding systems targeting hypothesized therapeutic mechanisms of action. Strong applications will test theory-based mechanisms of action, and will link these mechanisms to clinically meaningful outcomes, including within- session outcomes and overall treatment outcomes. Applications may propose to test the mechanisms of action of a particular behavioral treatment, or to test hypotheses about the common change mechanisms or processes across several behavioral treatments. Applications may address any treatment population, including adults, adolescents, couples, families, and groups. ELIGIBILITY Supplements may be added to NIDA Research Project (R01) grants. Grants eligible for supplementation must have at least 1 year remaining, and the work proposed in the supplement must be completed by the end-date of the parent grant. Supplemental projects must be within the general scope of the parent grant. Questions about whether a project is within the scope of the parent grant should be addressed to the designated Program contact. HOW TO APPLY Supplement requests should be sent directly to NIDA’s Grants Management Office (see address below). Requests should be in the form of a cover page (using the PHS 398 form), a letter, and a budget justification, each countersigned by the Principal Investigator of the parent grant and the authorized business official at the PI’s institution. The following sections should be included in the request letter, conforming to a 5-page limit: 1. A brief description of the parent project on which the supplemental project is based; 2. A discussion of the mechanism(s) of action to be studied in the supplemental project; 3. A description of the proposed supplemental project, including methodology, measures, statistical analyses, etc.; 4. A brief description of the qualifications of the research team. Also, applicants should provide a budget justification that details the budget items requested, including Facilities and Administrative costs. The budget justification is not included in the 5-page limit of the request letter. REVIEW CRITERIA Applications will be reviewed administratively, and it is expected that, for those receiving awards, a resulting Supplemental Notice of Grant Award will be issued within four months of the receipt deadline. All funding decisions are final and are not subject to appeal. Applications will be evaluated based on the strength of the rationale for the hypothesized mechanisms under study, the ability of the proposed supplemental project to test the mechanisms of interest, and the expertise of the research team proposing to conduct the supplemental study. BUDGET INFORMATION NIDA will commit $1.5 million in total costs to fund applications for supplements submitted in response to this Notice. The maximum request for direct costs is $75,000. Supplements are one-time awards and will not be renewed. Any Facilities and Administrative (indirect) Costs also should be specified in the budget request. Awards pursuant to this Notice are contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of a sufficient number of applications of high scientific merit. Receipt date: January 23, 2004 Earliest Award date: May 30, 2004 INQUIRIES Direct inquiries regarding the program to: Dr. Melissa W. Racioppo Behavioral Treatment Development Branch National Institute on Drug Abuse 6001 Executive Blvd. NSC Room 4230 Bethesda, MD 20892 (USPS) Rockville, MD 20852 (FedEx and other couriers) Tel: (301) 443-2261 Fax: (301) 443-6814 Email: Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to: Dr. Gary Fleming Grants Management Branch National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS 6101 Executive Boulevard Suite 242, MSC 8403 Bethesda, MD 20892 (USPS) Rockville, MD 20852 (express/courier service) Tel: (301) 443-6710 Fax: 301-594-6849 Email:

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